Sabirni centar

Sabirni centar

name = Sabirni centar
(The Meeting Point)

amg_id =
imdb_id = 0122234
writer = Dušan Kovačević (play and screenplay)
Goran Marković (screenplay)
starring = Rade Marković
Bogdan Diklić
Dragan Nikolić
Olivera Marković
Bata Stojković
Mirjana Karanović
Anica Dobra
Radmila Živković
producer = Aleksandar Stojanović
director = Goran Marković
cinematography = Tomislav Pinter| editing = Snežana Ivanović
distributor =
released = Yugoslavia:
19 July 1989
runtime = 98 mins
language = Serbo-Croatian
budget =
music = Zoran Simjanović
awards =
tagline =

"Sabirni centar" "(English: The Meeting Point)" is a 1989 Yugoslavian comedy film directed by Goran Marković, starring Rade Marković, Bogdan Diklić, Dragan Nikolić, Mirjana Karanović and Anica Dobra.


An archaeological team, digging in a remote village and led by an old professor, unearths an old Roman artifact, a gravestone bearing some mysterious inscriptions. When realizing that they have stumbled upon something precious, he collapses with a heart attack. Seemingly dead for people around him, he finds himself in a sort of afterlife state and realizes that the stone marked a passage into the classical underworld so he starts mingling with the antique spirits of the dead. The spirits themselves appear just as silly and petty as the peasants from the village above them, and in their desire to see what happened to their descendants, they find themselves surprised by the modern world of the living.


*At the 1989 Pula Film Festival (the Yugoslavian version of the Academy Awards), the film won the Big Golden Arena for Best Film, as well as the "Best Screenplay" (Dušan Kovačević) and "Best Actress in a Supporting Role" (Radmila Živković), awards.

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