- Albert Richard Mohr
Albert Richard Mohr (1911–1992) was a German
music andtheatre expert.He was born in
Frankfurt . He studied there at the Frankfurt University.From 1937 to 1943 he was lecturer on Music and Theatre History at the
Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main .From 1938, he was actively engaged in the
Oper Frankfurt .Bibliography
* Albert Richard Mohr: Das Frankfurter Opernhaus 1880–1980. Kramer, Frankfurt am Main 1980, ISBN 3-7829-0232-7
* [http://www.stadtgeschichte-ffm.de/abteilungen/abteilung_3/03618inhalt.html Biography, under Mohr Albert]
External links
* [http://www.siue.edu/lovejoylibrary/musiclistening/special_collections/title/mohr/mohr.shtml Albert Richard Mohr collection at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville]
* [http://www.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/musik/nachlaesse.html Listing in the University of Frankfurt Collections]
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