lemniscus — ● lemniscus nom masculin invariable (latin lemniscus, du grec lêmniskos, ruban) Lemniscus médian, faisceau de fibres nerveuses du tronc cérébral, qui convoie des informations somesthésiques vers le thalamus, avec une grande précision. ● lemniscus … Encyclopédie Universelle
lemniscus — 1811, from L.L. lemniscus a pendent ribbon. from Gk. lemniskos woolen ribbon, perhaps originally or literally of Lemnos, island in the Aegean. Related: Lemniscate (1781) … Etymology dictionary
Lemniscus — Lem*nis cus (l[e^]m*n[i^]s k[u^]s), n.; pl. {Lemnisci} ( s[imac]) n.[L. See {Lemniscata}.] (Zo[ o]l.) One of two oval bodies hanging from the interior walls of the body in the Acanthocephala. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lemniscus — [lem nis′kəs] n. pl. lemnisci [lemnis′ī] [ModL < L, hanging ribbon < Gr lēmniskos, ribbon] a band of sensory nerve fibers in the central nervous system, usually terminating in the thalamus … English World dictionary
lemniscus — A bundle of nerve fibers ascending from sensory relay nuclei to the thalamus. SYN: fillet (1). [L. from G. lemniskos, ribbon or fillet] acoustic l. SYN: lateral l.. auditory l. SYN … Medical dictionary
lemniscus — n. a ribbon like tract of nerve tissue conveying information from the spinal cord and brainstem upwards through the midbrain to the higher centres. On each side a medial lemniscus acts as a pathway from the spinal cord, while an outer lateral… … The new mediacal dictionary
lemniscus — /lem nis keuhs/, n., pl. lemnisci / nis uy, nis kee/. Anat. a band of fibers, esp. of white nerve fibers in the brain. Also called fillet, laqueus. [1840 50; < NL, special use of L lemniscus pendent ribbon < Gk lemnískos ribbon] * * * … Universalium
lemniscus — lem•nis•cus [[t]lɛmˈnɪs kəs[/t]] n. pl. nis•ci [[t] ˈnɪs aɪ, ˈnɪs ki[/t]] anat. a band of sensory nerve fibers in the brain • Etymology: 1840–50; < NL; L lēmniscus pendent ribbon < Gk lēmnískos ribbon … From formal English to slang
Lemniscus lateralis — (rot) und Lemniscus medialis (blau) Der Lemniscus lateralis (dt. „seitliche Schleife(nbahn)“) ist eine Nervenbahn im Stammhirn und Bestandteil der Hörbahn. Er erhält Informationen von der oberen Olive (Nucleus olivaris superior) und dem Nucleus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
LEMNISCUS LATERALIS — LEMNISCUS LATERALIS, MEDIALIS (исковая и медиальная петли), пучки нервных волокон, в мозговом стволе: служащие для передачи головному мозгу импульсов глубокой и кожной чувствительности. Lemniscus medialis, s. principal is (L. superior, L. Halleri … Большая медицинская энциклопедия