- BMF Bitmap
infobox file format
name = BMF Bitmap
extension = .bmf
mime = none
type code = unknown
uniform type = unknown
genre =Raster graphics The BMF file format, is an
image file format used to storebitmap digital image s, specifically clipart, by severallegacy Corel applications; notably Corel's Windows 3.1-based Gallery Clipart applications. The BMF file extension is also used by an architecture design program called FloorPlan 3D by [http://imsidesign.com/Default.aspx IMSI] . It was developed by CADSOFT Corporation, and the copyright in 1998 by IMSI shows FloorPlan 3D with a version of 4.10.However, the Corel format was proprietary and, to our knowledge, has never been released publicly. Consequently, very little information exists about the BMF format. As of 2004, per a conversation with Corel's technical support group, Corel had discontinued support for the BMF format (ie, by dropping support for the Clipart Gallery applications which used that format) and had no further plans to support it any subsequent Corel applications.
Only one conversion program is available as far as we know. That would be [http://pagesperso-orange.fr/pierre.g/xnview/enxnview.html Pierre Gougelet's XnView] program. We have not tried it but it lists BMF as a format it can open. It will not open the BMF format created by IMSI. Please note that this is NOT a commercial endorsement. We have no connection to this individual nor have we ever used any of his products. We are only reporting this because it is the only current conversion software we are aware of.
BMF file header
This block of bytes is added and serves for identification. A typical application will read this block first to ensure that the file is actually a BMF file. [http://filext.com/ FILExt] reports that the file header is [http://filext.com/file-extension/BMF Hex: 81 8A] .
Color palette
The color palette of the BMF format is known. Likely it is 8-bit color based on the known clipart examples.
Bitmap data
Bitmap data is unknown. The BMF format is proprietary and has not been (to our knowledge) released publicly.
Usage of BMF format
Usage of the BMF format was fairly limited. Only the Corel Clipart Gallery and Corel Flow products were known to have used this format. Neither product nor the format was supported after Windows 95 was released making the format an orphan.
Related formats
None that we are aware of.
See also
Comparison of graphics file formats References
External links
* [http://www.file-extensions.org/search/?searchstring=bmf BMF bitmap entries at File-extensons.org]
* [http://filext.com/file-extension/BMF BMF bitmap and other BMF extensions]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.