Taichung bus

Taichung bus

Infobox Bus transit
name=Taichung bus(台中市公車)
locale=Taichung Metro
fare=tolled by mileage

Taichung busis operated by Taichung City Government Traffic Breamu doing as ZhuGuanJiGuan, including city downtown buses(1-99 route no.)。


Taichubg city downtown bus is operated by 5 bus companies:
*Taichung bus
*Renyou bus
*United bus
*Juye traffic
*Chuanhang Bus


In 1958Taichung busis established,Commissioned by Taichung City government to operate bus services, is also easiest one to offering bus service。Then laterTaiwan in due to opening civil-operator waves,Renyou busis established and operate parts of downtown routes。

After mayor 胡志強 is up,in order to enhance routes network of buses,since 2002 began,land continue have free buses、"High bus" and Easy Buses commuter bus route is opened。其中, passrd car in 2002 contain six routes of High bus, provided a half year of free rides as promotion。 [United bus] also join Taichung city bus operate,運行High Bus其中four lines。

2004High bus phase 2 six routes has passed car ,Juye Traffic join operate。全航客運則是隨著後來Joined as Route 5 is opened。


*195802月18日:Taichung bus began operations 。
*200208月01日:Phase 1 High bus pass car。
*200310月15日:Taichung Bus Transportbecause of Labor-Capital conflict,the continuous 22 days was out of work was happened.
*200403月01日:Phase 2 High bus pass car。
*200403月20日:Chuanhang join operate。
*200408月04日: system is launched。
*200408月16日: Apply for Taichung city downtown buses routes。
*200505月17日:Giving for students who reside in Taichung City, for elementary 4th to senior.
*200506月01日:A period of one month, using , having free rides of city downtown buses。
*200507月01日:Ranges to apply is extend to 10 operators。
*200511月21日:Taichung busRoute 69【THSR Taichung Station-Taichung Airport】;United bus Route 85【THSR Taichung Station-Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology】pass car
*2006 December 1:Taichung busbus route no. 66 Out of service without notices,City Hall Toughly Weitou Renyou bus to coorp operate。
*July 1, 2008 : Downtown bus will be: Route 61 is reoperate by U-bus, Taichung--Daya; Route 102 change to 82 by Taichung bus, Shuinan--THSR Taichung Station; 75 is extend east to Taiping (Cingyi Sci Univ); 77 is extend to Tzi-chi Hospital Taichung unit;, both operated by U-bus.
*July 29, 2008 : Taichung Bus R.102 is re-operate sliently??, and co-exist with R.82



* Calculated by mileage per rides. The basic fare is NT$20 for 8km, and extend fare is about $2.4 per km, and round to integer. Using Taichung E card can enjoy fare and transfer concessions.

Transfer Station

*Ganchang Transfer Station:This Station is located at Shuangshi (Double Tenth) Road,可轉搭國道客運或往南投的班車
**Bus companies:仁友客運全航客運南投客運彰化客運員林客運
*Chaoma Transfer Station:此站位於中港路上,可轉搭國道客運或往ShaluTaichung Port的班車
**Bus companies:國光客運統聯客運台中客運和欣客運飛狗巴士Aloha bus
*Junggang Transfer Station:此站位於Taichunggang Road上,主要做為United bustransfer between Freeway and city bus
**Bus company:統聯客運

ee also

*Taichung E card

External Links

* [http://tw.club.yahoo.com/clubs/tcbus/ 台中公車族聯盟] (提供台中地區大眾運輸資訊以及諮詢服務)
* [http://95bus.familycard.tw/ 台中公車遊樂趣]
* [http://traffic.tccg.gov.tw/ 台中市政府交通局]
* [http://yoyonet.biz/egoing/bus/chuntsuntou.htm 台中、彰化、南投公車資訊(悠遊網)]
* [http://taizhongbus.jidanni.org/ Taizhong Bus Wiki]

() 12:42, 19 June 2008 (UTC)

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