Ficus dammaropsis

Ficus dammaropsis

name = "Ficus dammaropsis"

image_caption = "Ficus dammaropsis" showing large synconium (flower)
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Urticales
familia = Moraceae
genus = "Ficus"
species = "F. dammaropsis"
binomial = "Ficus dammaropsis"
binomial_authority = Diels
synonyms = "Dammaropsis kingiana"

"Ficus dammaropsis", Kapiak (Tok Pisin), or Highland Breadfruit (English), is tropical fig tree with huge pleated leaves 60cm across. It is native to the highlands and highlands fringe of New Guinea. It generally grows at altitudes of between 800 and 2750 metres; its extreme range is from sea level to 2820m. Its fruit is edible but rarely eaten except as an emergency food (Bourke nd:4, 11). The young leaves are pickled or cooked and eaten as a vegetable with pig meat (Kambuou 1996:22).


With its bold tropical leaves and relative tolerance of cold, "F. dammaropsis" is in demand as an ornamental tree in frost-free climates.


*cite web |author=R. Michael Bourke |date=nd |title=Indigenous fruit in Papua New Guinea |work=Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies |publisher=The Australian National University |url=|accessdate=2008-06-19
*cite web |author=R.N. Kambuou |date=1996 |title=Papua New Guinea: Country Report |work=FAO International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources, (Leipzig,1996) |publisher=Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |url=|accessdate=2008-06-19

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