- Pollution insurance
Pollution insurance is a type of insurance that covers costs related to pollution. This can include the costs of
brownfield restoration and cleanup, liability for injuries and deaths caused by pollution, and so on. The largest players in this industry areAIG ,ECS/XL ,Kemper andZurich . [ [http://www.insurancejournal.com/magazines/southcentral/2001/07/23/features/18589.htm Environmental Pollution Insurance: A Fluid and Ever-changing Market ] ] One of the purposes for such insurance policies is so that when companies that cause environmental disasters go bankrupt, the victims can still be compensated. [ [http://pubs.acs.org/cen/news/86/i08/8608notw9.html Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News - China's Pollution Insurance ] ] The insurance may also protect against cost overruns or regulatory changes that increase the cost of cleanup. [ [http://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/stories/2001/11/05/focus4.html Pollution insurance growing in popularity - Philadelphia Business Journal: ] ] The director of China's EPA (SEPA) has called for imposing mandatory pollution insurance on polluting industries. [ [http://www.treehugger.com/files/2006/12/chinas_epa_dema.php As Citizens Sue, China's EPA Demands Compulsory Pollution Insurance : TreeHugger ] ] According to theCato Institute , legal theories ofjoint and several liability (e.g. underSuperfund ) and requirements by courts that insurers pay to help polluters clean up their own property (regardless of the insurance contract) have hurt the pollution insurance industry; but nonetheless, the basic idea of pollution insurance remains sound. Cato claims, "With the help of insurers and risk analysts, corporate risk managers select cost-effective products and processes, which minimize the sum of insurance premiums, expected payments to victims (in excess of insurance coverage), and risk-reduction expenditures." [ [https://www.cato.org/pubs/journal/cj6n3-1.html Reputation And The Efficiency Of Legal Rules ] ]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.