Haarlems Dagblad

Haarlems Dagblad

The Haarlems Dagblad is a regional newspaper in Haarlem, the Netherlands. It makes claim to being the newspaper with the oldest publishing history in the world, even if this claim is based on its (forced) merger with another title.

Abraham Casteleyn00.jpg

Oprechte Haerlemsche Courant

Abraham Casteleyn and his wife, Margarieta van Bancken (1663)
Jan de Bray

This earlier publication was published by Abraham Casteleyn, beginning in 1656 under the title Weeckelycke Courante van Europa ("Weekly Newspaper of Europe"). In 1664, when the authorities took steps to protect the weekly from its imitators, it became known as De Oprechte Haerlemse Courant (spellings vary; "oprecht" is here used in its archaic sense of "genuine").

The weekly (which soon began appearing twice and subsequently three times a week, and in the nineteenth century became a monthly) thus preceded English regular newspapers. In the paper's early days, the Windsor coffee house used to advertise that, apart from offering "the best chocolate", it supplied translations of "the Harlem Courant soon after the post is come in".

During the German occupation of the Netherlands in the Second World War, the Opregte Haarlemsche Courant was forced to merge with Haarlems Dagblad; hence the latter paper's claim to being the oldest title extant. The merged newspaper is now part of the Hollandse Dagbladcombinatie, a newspaper conglomerate.

External links

Dutch-language information about the original title with facsimile versions of the first front page, the first back page and the advertisement (click "Bekijk")

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