- Aban Marker Kabraji
Aban Marker Kabraji was born on 12 March 1953 in
Bombay , India and is a national ofPakistan .She is a
biologist by training and leads the Asia Regional Office of International Union for Conservation of NatureIUCN in Bangkok, Thailand, and supervises seven Country Offices in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Lao PDR and China. IUCN is an observer at theUN General Assembly , with Headquarters in Switzerland. She has been involved with the conservation ofendangered Green Turtle population off the coast ofKarachi andBaluchistan .References
* [http://www.asha-foundation.org/women/women/aban_marker_kabraji.php Aban Marker Kabraji]
* [http://www.seaturtle.org/mtn/archives/mtn46/mtn46p6.shtml Green Sea Turtle in Karachi and Baluchistan]
ee also
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