Cienfuegos' Scientific Electronic Medical Journal

Cienfuegos' Scientific Electronic Medical Journal

Cienfuegos´ Scientific Electronic Medical Journal (MEDISUR) was founded in October 2002, and its first issue was launched in May 2003. Its objective has been to share the scientific knowledge of Cienfuegos´ health workers. However, during this period, the journal’s scope has exceeded the provincial context and its services have been repeatedly requested by national institutions and scientific associations. Some examples include the Clinical Good Practices Guidelines for Cerebrovascular Diseases (coordinated with the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery) and the Clinical Good Practices Guidelines of the Cuban Association of Paediatrics and Surgery.


Up to this date (February 27th 2008) 304 articles have been published in 24 issues of this journal. More than 60% of these articles are Original Scientific Articles. Of great interest have been the Special Publications of Clinical Good Practice Guidelines on paediatric surgery in which 21 institutions and prestigious scientists have collaborated. Another example is the special issue about cerebrovascular diseases, jointly developed with the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery in which the Clinical Good Practice Guidelines for cerebrovascular diseases was published. The special issue on pedagogical research, published in 2005, was also of great importance. Besides the serial publication, the journal offers other services such as daily scientific bulletin, data base of abstracts about interesting subjects, information research facilities, websites and tools for active research in PUBMED.

ubject and Scope

MediSur is the official journal for medical scientific divulgation in Cienfuegos province. It has serial publications every four months, in addition to special issues and supplements; including a wide publication scope. Those works related with Public Health, Sanitary Administration, Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Nursing, Pedagogy etc, will be taken into account. Each issue has its electronic edition in the website [] . Those persons subscribed to the journal will receive directly, via e-mail, a bulletin with information about each issue’s content.

The objective of this journal is to share the scientific knowledge of our health workers. It is also aimed at human resources training for this field in any country; mainly in Cienfuegos territory.

The journal does not take responsibility for the authors´ opinions. It doesn’t accept works previously published or under revision of other journal’s editorial staff either national or not. The publication standards can be consulted in the website or after sending and article online.

In this journal, authors can publish Letters to the Editor, Editorials, Original Articles, Pedagogical Articles, Case Presentations, brochures, manuals, scientific theories, brief information and many other pertinent themes. Articles should be exclusively sent to Medisur; the journal keeps original drafts, so its consent should be asked to publish it in any other media. The Editorial Staff has the right to introduce modifications regarding style and/or annotate texts that require so; always with the serious commitment to preserve the original content.

Review Policy

Medisur follows a peer review policy for most of the scientific articles that fulfill publication standards. In every case, this process protects authors and experts and has particular care regarding ethical principles, always avoiding conflicts of interests.

The Editorial Staff will notify about received articles, as of their acceptance or refusal. Drafts will be anonymously reviewed by three experts in the subject matter and/or in the selected methodology. The journal has the right to refuse articles that are not appropriate for publication.

Authors will be informed via e-mail about the final decision, previous to its publication in the website. This procedure will give them the opportunity to notify any possible error contained in their article. This information should be sent as soon as possible to the editing secretariat. Once published, authors will receive a letter signed by the director, to certify their publication.

How to publish in Medisur

To publish in this journal, authors should follow the ¨Standard Requirements for Biomedical Drafts¨, established by the International Committee of Medical Journal´s Directors¨ (CIDRM). Article should be written following the publication design established by Medisur for each section.

The sending process can be accomplished on-line (via Internet). Articles can also be sent to: Revista Medisur Centro Provincial de Información de las Ciencias Médicas en Cienfuegos, Facultad de Medicina de Cienfuegos calle 51 A y avenida 5 de septiembre, CP: 55100. Cienfuegos, Cuba.(with electronic version attached). Nevertheless, we recommend sending articles via on-line, since it saves time and posting expenses. This also facilitates the process in its different stages. To send and article via on-line, you should consult our instructions in Medisur website.

External Links

* [ MediSur]
* [ Foro de Discusión de MediSur]
* [ Barra de Navegación de MediSur]
* [ Infomed]
* [ Scielo Cuba]


* [ Infomed]

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