Theodor Johannes Krüper

Theodor Johannes Krüper

Theobald Johannes Krüper, sometimes Theodor (1829-1917) was a German ornithologist and entomologist who worked mainly in the Balkans.He was from his days as a student at the University of Berlin a friend of Otto Staudinger .

He was later curator of the zoological collection of the natural history museum in Athens.He collected insects on Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria for the collections in Athens. He also sold collections to the dealership "Otto Staudinger - Andreas Bang-Haas" from which they were sold on to several institutions including Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin and the now Slovak National Museum in Bratislava.

Kruper's Nuthatch was named for him by August von Pelzeln.


*Hesselbart, G.; Oorschot, H. van & Wagener, S. 1995 "Die Tagfalter der Türkei unter Berücksichtigung der angrenzenden Länder.- Bocholt, Selbstverlag S. Wagener.

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