Butterflies in the stomach
- Butterflies in the stomach
Butterflies in the stomach is a medical condition characterized by the physical sensation of a "fluttery" or "tickling" (hence butterflies) feeling in the stomach. This sensation can be a physical sensation related to the body's fight or flight response or it can be an ineffable experience related to the psychology of love.
Some believe that this is caused by the release of epinephrine, or adrenaline when one is nervous, pulling blood away from the stomach and sending it to the muscles. This reduced blood flow, in turn, causes the stomach to temporarily shut down, and possibly the reason for reduced appetite during love sickness.
Condition as a Physiological Response
Butterflies in the stomach is most often experienced prior to important events, when stress is induced, but can be experienced in situations of impending danger.
Condition as a Psychological Response
It is common for one to feel butterflies in the stomach when one is in the early stages of a relationship. Butterflies in the stomach are often seen as a positive and harmless sign of one's subconscious feelings for one's romantic interest and are caused by the release of mood altering endorphins. Butterflies in the stomach are frequent in first time teenage romances and studies show that this symptom is more frequently experienced by females.
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butterflies in your stomach — The nervous feeling before something important or stressful is known as butterflies in your stomach. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If you have butterflies in your stomach, you are feeling very nervous. At the beginning of an exam … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
butterflies in your stomach — The nervous feeling before something important or stressful is known as butterflies in your stomach … The small dictionary of idiomes
have butterflies in your stomach — have butterflies (in (your) stomach) to feel very nervous, usually about something you are going to do. She had butterflies in her stomach as she walked out onto the stage … New idioms dictionary
butterflies in one's stomach — {n. phr.} A queer feeling in the stomach caused by nervous fear or uncertainty; a feeling of fear or anxiety in the stomach. * /When Bob walked into the factory office to ask for a job, he had butterflies in his stomach./ … Dictionary of American idioms
butterflies in one's stomach — {n. phr.} A queer feeling in the stomach caused by nervous fear or uncertainty; a feeling of fear or anxiety in the stomach. * /When Bob walked into the factory office to ask for a job, he had butterflies in his stomach./ … Dictionary of American idioms
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