Kolel Shomrei HaChomos

Kolel Shomrei HaChomos

Kolel Shomrei haChomos (Hebrew: כולל שומרי החומות) is the financial charity institute to hand support to the Hungarian-Jews who went up to the Holy Land, hence it is calle by many the "Hungarian Kollel". The Hungarians separated themselves in 1858 from its mother institute Kolel Chibas Yerushalayim which included the entire Austrian Hungarian Kingdom, and the Kollel stood under the presidency and leadership of the Ketav Sofer.

In year 1881 the Kollel have built up many apartment buildings to provide housing for its members. This was accomplished thanks to donations by "Yitzhak Zvi Ratzersdorfer" a Hungarian who later translocated to Antwerpen, Belgium and helped build the Jewish Kehilla over there. Those houses are so called "The Ungarishe Heizer" - The Hungarian Houses.

The Kollel is still active with Pushka and Halukka and is managing many Torah institutes of the Yishuv haYashan of Yerushelayim. Usually it is adherent to the rullings of the Edah haChareidis; both Grand Rabbi's of Satmar, Rabbi Aron and Zalman Teitelbaum are on the presidency board among others.


* [http://books.google.com/books?id=vXgNPaLIs5oC&pg=PA526&dq=kolel+Shomrei+hachomos&sig=Y4klFjm6Itz1j4R7oSokfknMWQo#PPA526,M1 The Saraph from Brisk]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXb8RlUlE0I Video] of Zalman Teitelbaum at a Banquet for Kolel Shomrei haChomos.

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