- Envirofit
Envirofit International is a nonprofit project that develops technology that reduces pollution and enhances energy efficiency in developing countries, particularly in Asia. Envirofit hopes that its endeavors will "promote environmental benefits, improve public health, foster economic growth, and alleviate poverty throughout its areas of operation." [ [http://www.myhero.com/myhero/hero.asp?hero=Envirofit_Tech_2005 The My Hero Project - Envirofit] ] .
Two-stroke engine direct injection retrofit
Direct in-cylinder
fuel injection is a technology that has shown the ability to greatly reduce emissions from two-stroke engines. In a DI (Direct Injection) system thecarburetor is eliminated, and the fuel is introduced into thecombustion chamber via an injector mounted in the top of the chamber’s cylinder head [ [http://jcwinnie.biz/wordpress/?p=2394 After Gutenberg » EnviroFit Retrofit Kit] ] . The EnviroFit Retrofit Kit [ [http://www.envirofit.org/two_stroke_retrofit.html Envirofit - Challenges and Solutions - 2-Stroke Retrofit] ] uses an Orbital based system modified to fit existingmotorcycle /tuk-tuk engines.Winner of the World Clean Energy Awards Transport and Mobility Category 2007 [ [http://www.cleanenergyawards.com/top-navigation/awards/winners-2007 World Clean Energy Awards: Winners 2007] ] .
Clean cook stoves
Researchers and engineers are designing and testing clean-burning stoves that they say will significantly improve air quality and require less wood fuel [ [http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/22/science/22stov.html Stove for the Developing Worlds Health - New York Times] ] .Their goal is to significantly reduce Indoor Air Pollution (the smoke generated by traditional fires and stoves used) in developing world homes. [ [http://engineeringtv.com/blogs/etv/archive/2008/04/22/clean-cookstoves.aspx Clean Cookstoves - Engineering TV] ] .
Colorado State's EECL [ [http://www.eecl.colostate.edu/ Engines and Energy Conversion Laboratory at CSU] ] is actively working with Envirofit International to design low cost, high performance cookstoves for the developing world.
ee also
Engineers Without Borders References
External links
* [http://www.envirofit.org/ Envirofit International Homepage]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.