- E. Reese Hopkins
Reese Hopkins is an American radio talk show host also known as E. Reese Hopkins. As of December 2007, Hopkins has been a morning personality on Boston station
WRKO .http://www.boston.com/ae/tv/articles/2008/01/05/radio_waves/?page=1 A New Talk-Show Host Draws On Worlds of Experience]Radio career
E. Reese Hopkins officially began his radio career in April 2001 as a news anchor on the
Star and Buc Wild radio show atHot 97 . He introduced himself by faxing fake news to the show. As a result of his comedic pieces being read on air, he was offered a news anchor position. Hopkins stayed in that position until the program's move toClear Channel radio stationPower 105.1 . Hopkins resigned from the show in October 2005, seeking new opportunities in radio. [http://wrko.com/pages/1424651.php? Reese Hopkins Bio]Hopkins took two years off from radio, and moved with his family to
Fort Lee, New Jersey . He managed a tile warehouse and produced a program forHoward 100 onSirius Satellite Radio . In October 2007, he auditioned for an on-air position after a call fromWRKO station manager Jim Capuano. After a successful audition station management offered him a slot in December 2007Controversy
In April 2008, challenges were made to Hopkins' claims that he graduated from
Fordham University in 1991. [http://www.bostonherald.com/news/regional/general/view.bg?articleid=1085706 Degree of Uncertainty for 'RKO Host] In an interview with theBoston Herald , Hopkins said he graduated under a different name, citing "legal reasons". He added, "I had to go to college either under an emancipated name or under a guardianship, which is under my father’s name. It’s a private matter. I did graduate from Fordham University." [http://www.savewrko.com/archives/2008/04/reese_hopkins_i.php Save RKO: Reese Hopkins in Hot Water]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.