- Triphenyltin hydroxide
Triphenyltin hydroxide is a compound with formula Sn(C6H5)3OH.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Triphenyltin hydroxide is a compound with formula Sn(C6H5)3OH.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Organotin chemistry — Organotin compounds are those with tin linked to hydrocarbons. Organotin compounds or stannanes are chemical compounds based on tin with hydrocarbon substituents. Organotin chemistry is part of the wider field of organometallic chemistry.[1] The… … Wikipedia
Organotin — compounds or stannanes are chemical compounds based on tin with hydrocarbon substituents. Organotin chemistry is part of the wider field of organometallic chemistry [ Synthetic aspects of tetraorganotins and organotin(IV) halides Sander H.L.… … Wikipedia