

Infobox German Location Subdivision
name_ = Rotherbaum
german_name =
image_photo = Hamburg_Grindelallee_003.jpg
image_caption = The street Grindelalle (view North West)
of_city_coa = Coat_of_arms_of_Hamburg.svg
type = Quarter
article_ = of
of_city = Hamburg
of_town =
image_coa =
map_ =

lat_deg = | lat_min = | lat_sec =
lon_deg = | lon_min = | lon_sec =
state_ =
district_NUTS =
borough_ = Eimsbüttel
subdivision_ =
_office =
free_adm_1 =
free_adm_1_txt =
area = 2.9
population =
pop_date =
popu_ref =
postal_code =
area_code = 040
license_plate = HH
free_2 =
free_2_txt =
year_f =

image_plan = HH-Rotherbaum-quarter.jpg

Rotherbaum is a quarter of Eimsbüttel, a borough of Hamburg, Germany. In 2006 the population was 16,853.

In German, "roter Baum" means "red tree". The "th", which in general was abolished in the spelling reform of 1900, was preserved in names. Depending on grammatical context, it might also be spelled with "n" as "Rothenbaum".


From 1946 to 1948, war crime trials were held by the British Armed Forces in the "Curiohaus", [ [ Curiohaus / Cultural monument (Hamburg) - ] ] an office building which is named after Johann Carl Daniel Curio. Located in Rotherbaum's "Rothenbaumchaussee 15", it survived the bombing of Hamburg. Among others, subject of the "Curiohaus processes" were Fritz Knoechlein for the Le Paradis massacre, the SS-physician Alfred Trzebinski from the Neuengamme concentration camp, Hamburg's famous football player Otto Harder (sentenced to 15 years imprisonment)Citation |autor=Staff |title="Tull" Harder - Vom Idol zum Kriegsverbrecher |date=2002-06-26 | |url= | accessdate=2008-08-21 de icon] and the company "Tesch & Stabenow" which sold Zyklon B. [KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme (Hrsg): Die frühen Nachkriegsprozesse. Bremen 1997 (Beiträge zur Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgung in Norddeutschland. Heft 3) ISBN 3-86108-322-1 de icon]


In 2006, according to the statistical office of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, Rotherbaum has a total area of 2.9 km². In the North is the quarter Harvesterhude. The southern border of Rotherbaum to the quarters Neustadt, St. Pauli and Sternschanze is along the railway tracks of the city train. In the West is the quarter Eimsbüttel. In the East the lake Außenalster is the border to the quarter St. Georg.


In 2006 in Rotherbaum were living 16,853 inhabitants. The population density was convert|5842|PD/sqkm|0|abbr=on. 11.3% were children under the age of 18, and 13.7% were 65 years of age or older. 22.6% were immigrants. 503 people were registered as unemployed and 4,866 were employees subject to social insurance contributions.Residents registration office, source: statistical office Nord of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (2006)]

In 1999 there were 11,615 households, out of which 11.1% had children under the age of 18 living with them and 63.3% of all households were made up of individuals. The average household size was 1.57. [Source: statistical office Nord of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (1999)]

In 2006 there were 3,299 criminal offences (192 crimes per 1000 people). [State Investigation Bureaux (Landeskriminalamt), source: statistical office Nord of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (2006)]


The campuses of the University of Hamburg and the University of Music and Drama of Hamburg are located in Rotherbaum. In 2006 there were also 1 elementary school and 1 secondary school.



The main tennis court of the (former German Open) Hamburg Masters tournament is located in the "Am Rothenbaum" stadium. [Rothenbaum Tennis Center [] ]


Health systems

In Rotherbaum were 16 day-care centers for children, 142 physicians in private practice and 9 pharmacies.


Rotherbaum is serviced by the rapid transit system of the city train with the stations Hamburg Dammtor. Long distance trains are calling this station also. The Hamburg U-Bahn service the Hallerstraße station.

According to the Department of Motor Vehicles (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt), in the quarter Rotherbaum were 5,446 private cars registered (324 cars/1000 people).Source: statistical office Nord of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (2006)] There were 201 traffic accidents total, including 173 traffic accidents with damage to persons. [Traffic accident statistic, statistical office Nord of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein (2006)]

ee also

*Rothenbaum, the name of a Bohemian village which was destroyed after World War II when the German inhabitants were expelled in 1945.



* [ Statistical office Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein] Statistisches Amt für Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein, official website de icon

External links

*de icon [ Statistische Daten Rotherbaum]
*de icon [ "Rotherbaum" auf]

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