Point Guardian

Point Guardian

Infobox webcomic|
title = Point Guardian|
caption =
author = Benjamin Carver
url = http://www.pointguardian.com
status = ongoing - 5 days a week
began = 2004
ended =
genre = Superhero
ratings =

Point Guardian is a webcomic created, written and drawn by Benjamin Carver. Starting on March of 2004(the start date extremely close to the creator's own birth date), Point Guardian claims to be one of the first 'non-parody' Superhero webcomics on the web. One graphic novel has been released and a second one has been promised soon. The creator, Benjamin Carver, was a student of late comic book artist Wayne Howard and has stated that Wayne taught him how to ink the traditional way.

Comic Overview

Point Guardian tells the story of James Gardner, a man with superpowers that he received when he was a teenager. He lives in a fictional city on the California coast called Point City, working as a private investigator. However, whenever danger arises, he shows up at his superhuman alter-ego, Ultra. James was originally a police officer with the Point City police department, but left before the story begins due to feeling a conflict of interest with being a cop and a costumed hero.

As Ultra's adventures continue, he meets up with many other new heroes and forms alliances with them.


As Ultra, James Gardner has access to several powers that stem from his mental control of energy fields his body produces whenever his powers are active. The first of these abilities is his superhuman strength, followed by flight, near invulnerability, and the ability to discharge psionic energy from his eyes.

olid State Psionic Form

Recently, Ultra has learned he can enter a Solid State Psionic Form, which turns his body into pure energy, making him truly impervious to physical harm and increasing his energy output by a huge factor. The downsides to this form is it drains energy at an alarming rate and requires a lot of concentration to maintain

upporting cast

*"Clarissa"-The daughter of doctor that found James when he was struck by lightning, Clarissa grew up having quite a crush on James, and a brilliant mind. She usually prefers to work on the sidelines by inventing helpful technology for James, analyzing data, and monitoring situations from home. She recently acquired similar powers herself by injecting herself with James's blood.

*"Simon Gardner/The Psi-Kid"-A teenage boy that James and Clarissa take in, Simon Gardner was "created" by a shadowy mastermind figure in an attempt to create a duplicate of Ultra. Simon was a teenage boy who's mind was partially wiped and his genetic structure was changed to mimic Ultra's. Despite these hardships, Simon is growing up to be a fine young man. The creator has professed he created Simon Gardner based on his love for the modern Superboy and his frustrations with what occurred to the character.

*"Christine"-One of James's few friends that stuck around with him after he left the police force, Christine and James have a deep attraction to one another, and they only just recently started dating. Christine still finds James's role in this world a bit hard to take.

*"Infernal"- A superhero from New Mexico, Infernal's real name is Tom. He works as a firefighter during the day, but prefers his superhuman role. Tom likes to have a good time, and is actually very peaceful by nature. His abilities are the control of the flow of time around him, and when he uses his abilities, he appears to be on fire. Infernal is the comic's analogue to the standard 'speedster' type superhero.

*"The Defender"- More of a silent hero, the Defender sits perched atop a giant needle over a forest. The Defender prefers to watch over a four state area, and has the ability to transform matter using the stone embedded in his chest to fuel this ability. When creating constructs, he needs to be in direct contact with them for at least an hour for them to become permanent. Severing his connection makes them revert.

*"Divine"- A superheroine with superhuman strength, flight, control of ice, and some psychic ability, Divine is considered a beacon of hope to most. Her actual superhuman form is actually based on whoever is viewing her and what their faith is based on. She has stated that her power is fueled by faith itself.

*"The Prophet"- A mysterious heroic figure who has a floating crystal ball he uses as a weapon, the Prophet can control and step into shadows, and can see the future. Despite his ability to read the future, he also states he has to sometimes 'go with the flow', and that even tragedy has a greater purpose. The Prophet has no actual physical eyes, having traded them for his crystal ball years ago.

*"The Suppressor"- An alien robot that first shows up in the comic looking for alien technology to find and integrate into itself, the Suppressor was successfully reprogrammed by Clarissa to be a lot more friendly. The Suppressor has the ability to use photonic generators on its body to create new technology to aid itself.


*"The Mysterious Mastermind"-He has been pulling the strings for years. His abilities are mostly due to his scientific intelligence. He has worked with everything from mechanical to genetic research. His true goals are still unknown

*"The Yarsim Empire"-An alien empire bent on destroying planets and the races on those planets. They are quite large, with an enlongated head, and the ability to fire energy bolts from their palms and foreheads.

External links

* [http://www.pointguardian.com Point Guardian Homepage]
* [http://www.brokenfrontier.com/lowdown/details.php?id=1375 Review of Point Guardian at Broken Frontier]
* [http://www.onlinecomics.net/pages/search/comics.php?terms=Point+Guardian Onlinecomics.net-Point Guardian]
* [http://goodcomics.blogspot.com/2006/04/point-guardian-paging-patty-smyth-and.html Review of Point Guardian at Comics Should be Good]
* [http://mymindleak.blogspot.com/2008/04/comics-made-with-love.html Review of Point Guardian at Mindleak]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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