

The Hase is a 193 km long river in Lower Saxony, Germany. It is a right tributary of the Ems, but part of its flow goes to the Else, that is part of the Weser basin. Its source is in the Teutoburg Forest, south-east of Osnabrück, on the north slope of the 307 m high Hankenüll hill.

Weser-Ems Watershed

After approx. 15 km, near Gesmold (about 6km west from Melle), the Hase encounters an anomaly of terrain and bifurcates such that each branch flows in a different drainage system:
* one third of its waters flow along the south side of the Wiehengebirge hills eastward from Gesmold into the Else, which begins there, and flows into the Werre at Kirchlengem (north of Herford). The Werre is a tributary of the Weser.
* two thirds of its waters (the "Hase proper") flow northwest from Gesmold toward Osnabrück, past the towns listed below, and toward Meppen, where the Ems receives its flow.

Towns on the Hase

*Bramsche - to the south of this city the Hase crosses the Mittellandkanal
*Quakenbrück - in the southeast the Hase divides into two branches: the Big Hase (passing the town in the northeast) and the Little Hase (which itself is divided into several branches within the town, one of which leaves the town northwards to the Big Hase) (Binnendelta)
*Menslage - here the Hase is channeled into the Little Hase
*Löningen - here it flows into a somewhat northerly branch: the Big Hase
*Herzlake - here the two branches flow together again

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  • hase — hase …   Dictionnaire des rimes

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  • hase — [ az ] n. f. • 1556; all. Hase « lièvre » ♦ Chasse Femelle du lièvre ou du lapin de garenne. ⇒ lapine. « Les hases avaient fait des troupes de petits levrauts » (Giono). hase n. f. CHASSE Femelle du lièvre, du lapin de garenne. ⇒HASE, subst. fém …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Hase — Sm std. (8. Jh.), mhd. has(e), ahd. has(o), mndd. hase, mndl. hase Stammwort. Aus vd. * hasōn m. Hase , neben dem mit grammatischem Wechsel * hazōn anzusetzen ist, das in anord. heri, ae. hara auftritt. Aus ig. * kasó /ōn m. Hase auch in ai. śaśá …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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  • hase — HASE. s. f. La femelle d un lapin, d un lievre. On a marqué les hases dans la garenne afin de ne les pas tuer. une hase pleine. On appelle fig. & par mépris, Vieille hase, Une vieille femme …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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