Sepsis fulgens

Sepsis fulgens

name = "Sepsis fulgens"

image_caption = "Sepsis fulgens"
image_width = 250px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
subphylum = Hexapoda
classis = Insecta
subclassis = Pterygota
infraclassis = Neoptera
superordo = Endopterygota|
ordo = Diptera
subordo = Brachycera
zoosubsectio = Acalyptratae
superfamilia = Sciomyzoidea
familia = Sepsidae
subfamilia = Sepsinae
tribus = Sepsini
genus = "Sepsis"
species = "S. fulgens"
binomial = "Sepsis fulgens"
binomial_authority = Meigen, 1826
subdivision_ranks = Synonyms
subdivision = *"S. communis" Frey, 1925
*"S. concinna" Walker, 1833
*"S. tonsa" Duda, 1926
*"S. vibrans" (Harris, 1780)
*"S. minimus" (Harris, 1780)

"Sepsis fulgens" is a small ant mimic fly sometimes called the Lesser Dung Fly.cite book|author=Pont, A.C.|year=1979|title=Sepsidae. Diptera (Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10/5c)|pages=35 pp|publisher=Royal Entomological Society of London|language=English|location=London]


It is common thought out much of Europe, North Africa, Middle East and the Russian Far East. I tends to be less common at the Northern most areas of its range. In Northern Europe it can be found from May to early October. In southern Europe it can be found year round. cite book|author=Pont, A.C.; Meier, R.|year=2002|title=The Sepsidae (Diptera) of Europe (Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 37)|pages=198 pp|publisher=Brill|language=English]


This fly is often seen visiting flowers on order to obtain a carbohydrate meal. But It is most often associated a verity of animal dung, particularly that of cow and horse, on which the female will lay her eggs, and the larva will feed. Male "S. fulgens" are often more common on dung, as it here that they will wait for the females. In fact, males are so keen, that they will very often mount any visiting fly that bares a slight resemblance to another "Sepsis", including other males, but they will quickly dismount again when the error is apparent. When a suitable mate is found the male will stay firmly attached to the female, and copulation will normally take place later and at another location. So attached are the pair that it usually takes a 180 degree maneuver for the couple to part company.

"S. fulgens" are also know so their swarming behavior, and these swarms have been estimated to sometimes reach 30.000 to 50,000. In places where these swarms takes place, there is often a distinctive odor.


There are a number of parasites that are associated with "S. fulgens", particularly the mites "Bonomoia sphaerocerae" and "Macrocheles insignitus", and possibly the nematode "Diplogaster coprophila".


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