Andrea Maffei

Andrea Maffei

Andrea Maffei (1798, Molina di Ledro – 1885, Milan) was an Italian poet, translator and librettist.


A follower of Vincenzo Monti, he formed part of the 19th century Italian classicist literary culture. Gaining laurea in jurisprudence, he moved for some years to Verona, then to Venice and finally to Milan, where in 1831 he married contessa Clara Spinelli. They separated by mutual consent on 15 June 1846.

Skilled in foreign languages, he translated several works of English and German literature into Italian, particularly the plays of Schiller, Shakespeare's "Othello" and "The Tempest", many works of Goethe (including "Faust") and John Milton's "Paradise Lost". In his translations he sought to adapt the author's original thought to that of the Italian literary public. Not only a translator, he was also a poet and Romanticist. For Giuseppe Verdi he wrote the famous libretto for "I masnadieri", drawn from Schiller, and re-wrote some verses from Francesco Maria Piave's libretto for "Macbeth". He was also a librettist for Pietro Mascagni, writing the texts for his "Il Re a Napoli in Cremona" (1885) and "Guglielmo Ratcliff" (1895, from Heinrich Heine's 1822 play "William Ratcliff").

As well as Verdi, Maffei also built up close relationships with others in the Italian cultural scene of the time, including Vincenzo Monti, Antonio Rosmini, Gino Capponi, Mario Rapisardi, Carlo Tenca, the painter Francesco Hayez, and the sculptors Vincenzo Vela and Giovanni Duprè. Key cultural figures from the rest of Europe also passed through the lounge of his house in Milan, including Liszt and Stendhal. In 1879 Andrea Maffei was made a senator of the Kingdom of Italy and participated in Italian political life. In the mid-19th century he frequently lived at Riva del Garda, where he organised his rich art collection and where, in 1935, the town's Liceo classico was named after him.




*"Idilli di Gessner" /In Verona : dalla Società tipografica, 1821
* "Idilli" di Salomone Gessner / del cav. Andrea Maffei Palermo : presso S. Barcellona, 1832

Thomas Moore

*"Gli amori degli angeli" ("The loves of angels") : Livorno : Bertani e Antonelli, 1836
*"Canti orientali" ("Oriental poems") : presso i f.lli Ubucini, 1836
*"Gli amori degli angioli" ("The loves of angels") : Tip. Elvetica, 1839


*"Caino" : mystery - Milano : Luigi di Giacomo Pirola, 1852
*"Cielo e terra" : mystery - Milano : G. Gnocchi, 1853
*"Parisina" : poem - Milano : Giacomo Gnocchi, 1853
*"Misteri e novelle" ("Mysteries and novels") - Firenze : Successori Le Monnier, 1868


*"Arminio e Dorotea" - Milano : Tip. Bernardoni, 1864
*"Fausto" - Firenze : Successori Le Monnier, 1866


*"La sposa di Messina" ; with a discussion by Francesco Ambrosoli - Milano : by A. Fontana, 1827
*"Maria Stuarda" ("Maria Stuart"), Milano : through the editors of the Annali universali, 1829
*"La vergine d'Orleans" ("The Maid of Orléans") - Naples : nella Libreria all'insegna del Tasso, vico Concezione a Toledo n. 3, 1830
*"Guglielmo Tell" ("William Tell") : Edit. degli Annali universali, 1835
*"Maria Stuarda" ("Maria Stuart") - Milano : through the editors of the Annali Universali, 1835
*"Guglielmo Tell" ("William Tell") : Milano : Luigi di G. Pirola, 1844
*"Cabala ed amore" : Milano : Pirola, 1852
*"La congiura del Fiesco" : Milano : Luigi di G. Pirola, 1853


*"Le satire e le epistole" / by Boileau - Firenze : Volpato, [dopo il 1853]
*"Il paradiso perduto" ("Paradise Lost", by Milton) - Torino : Unione Tipografica Editrice, 1857
*"Struensee" - four act tragedy by Michele Beer - Milano : Tito di Gio. Ricordi, pref. 1863
*"Guglielmo Ratcliff" - Heinrich Heine - Milano : a spese della ditta G. Molinari e C., 1875
*"L'ode a Pirra" - by Horace - with comments by Giovanni Prati [S.l. : s.n., 1880?]
*"Poeti tedeschi" ("German poets") : Schiller, Goethe, Gessner, Klopstok, Zedliz, Pirker / translations by Andrea Maffei /Firenze : successori Le Monnier, 1901

Original works

* "La preghiera ", Milano : Tip. Fontana, 1829
* "Studi poetici" / del cav. Andrea Maffei Milano : per Antonio Fontana, 1831
*"E' morto il re!" : versi / di Andrea Maffei Firenze : Successori Le Monnier, 1878
*"Liriche" / Andrea Maffei Firenze : successori Le Monnier, 1878
*"Affetti" / Andrea Maffei Milano : U. Hoepli, 1885
*"Ghirlanda per una sposa" : Versi Perugia : Tip. Boncompagni, 1886
*"Dal Benaco" : versi / Andrea Maffei Milano : G. Gnocchi, 1854
*"Poesie varie" / Andrea Maffei Milano : Fratelli Ubicini, 1859
*"Arte, affetti, fantasie" : liriche / di Andrea Maffei Firenze : Le Monnier, 1864


*"I masnadieri" (Her Majesty's Theatre, London, 22 July 1847) - Melodramma tragico in quattro parti di Andrea Maffei, musica di Giuseppe Verdi
*"David Riccio" : 2 act drama, with prologue / music by Vinc. Capecelatro. Put on at Teatro alla Scala in 1850 Milano : Valentini e Co., 1849
*"Macbeth" : 4 part melodrama / music by Giuseppe Verdi ; put on at Teatro Carcano - Milano : Giovanni Ricordi, 1850


*" [ Letters to Andrea Maffei] ", by Mario Rapisardi (1877)
* [ "Prometheus"]

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