- Petite Kabylie
The Kabyle or Kabylia (French: La Kabylie; Arabic: al-Qabā'il, القبائل which translates "the tribes") is a mountainous region of Northern
Algeria . The Kabyle people themselves know it as "Tamurt Idurar" (The Mountain Land) or "Tamurt n Leqvayel" (Land of the Kabyles). It forms part of the Atlas range and borders theMediterranean . The Kabyle spreads over several administrative divisions (wilayas) of Algeria - all ofTizi Ouzou andBejaia (Bgayet), most ofBouira (Tubiret),Bordj Bou Arreridj and parts of the wilayas ofM'Sila (Tamsilt),Jijel ,Boumerdes , andSetif . While a French colony, the Kabyle was divided into twodépartements , the Greater (Haute Kabylie) and the Lesser (Basse Kabylie).
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