Geoweb conference

Geoweb conference

The [ GeoWeb Conference] focuses on the emergence of a true geographic dimension to the World Wide Web, and on the impact of Internet technologies on the acquisition, processing and visualization of geographic information. Geoweb is a conference of ideas and networking – how can we work together to build a global, integrated and inclusive model of our planet.

The GeoWeb Conference attracts senior decision-makers, industry leaders and technologists that are interested in the convergence of web technologies, XML, web services and GIS. The GeoWeb Conference is open to all businesses, academic institutions and governments that are interested in: the development of new Geoweb technology; the impact of the Geoweb on businesses and government policies; the emergence of new business models for the Geoweb; and the multitude of applications associate with the new Geoweb technology.

2008 Conference

The 7th Annual GeoWeb Conference took place in Vancouver, Canada from July 21-25th, 2008 at the [ Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue] . The first and second days of the conference were composed of 16 workshops which included hands-on demonstrations and real world case studies.

The last 3 days of the conference included three Keynote Speakers which were: Dr. William B. Gail of Microsoft Virtual Earth; Michael T. Jones of Google; and Alex Miller of ESRI Canada Ltd.; three Invited Speakers were: Dr. Michael Goodchild, of the University of California, Santa Barbara; Dr. Michael Kay of Saxonica; and Kimon G. Onuma, FAIA of Onuma, Inc.; 3 panel discussions; a vendor exhibit and the presentation of the 1st GeoWeb Student Contest winners.

2007 Conference

The 6th Annual GeoWeb Conference took place July 23rd-27th, 2007 at the [ Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue] in Vancouver, British Columbia. The conference provided two days of workshops, three days of technical presentations, and featured keynote speakers Jack Dangermond of ESRI, Michael Jones of Google Earth, and Geoff Zeiss of Autodesk, a guest speaker Vinton Cerf “the Father of the Internet" and plenary speaker Vincent Tao of Microsoft.

2006 Conference

The 5th Annual GeoWeb Conference took place July 24th-28th, 2006 at the [ Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue] in Vancouver, British Columbia. The conference provided two days of workshops, three days of technical presentations and featured keynote speakers Steven Lawler of Virtual Earth Microsoft Corporation, Kurt Cagle of Mercurial Communications, and Michael Jones of Google Earth and Plenary Speakers Xavier Lopez of Oracle Corporation and Gary Lang of Autodesk, Inc.

2005 Conference (formerly GML Days)

The 4th Annual GML Days Conference took place July 18th-22nd, 2005 at the [ Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue] in Vancouver, British Columbia. The conference provided two days of workshops, three days of technical presentations and featured keynote speakers James Bryce Clark of Oasis, Leslie Armstrong of Federal Geographic Data Committee, George Moon of MapInfo and Ron Lake of Galdos Systems Inc.

2004 Conference (formerly GML Dev Days 2004)

The 3rd Annual Conference (formerly known as GML Dev Days 2004) took place July 25th-29th at the [ Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue] in Vancouver, British Columbia. The conference provided two days of workshops, three days of technical presentations and featured keynote speakers Preetha Pulusani of Integraph Mapping and GeoSpatial Solutions, Xavier Lopez of Oracle Corporation, Clemens Portele of Interactive Instruments GmbH, and Ron Lake of Galdos Systems Inc.

2003 Conference (formerly GML Dev Days 2003)

The 2nd Annual Conference (formerly known as GML Dev Days 2003) took place July 20th-24th at the [ Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue] in Vancouver, British Columbia. The conference provided two days of workshops, three days of technical presentations and featured keynote speakers Kurt Buehler of OGC, Pierre Lemire of Autodesk, Inc., and Clemens Portele of Interactive Instruments GmbH.

2002 Conference (formerly GML Dev Days 2002)

The 1st Annual Conference (formerly known as GML Dev Days 2002) took place July 22nd-26th at the [ Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue] in Vancouver, British Columbia. The conference provided two days of workshops, three days of technical presentations and featured keynote speakers Ron Lake of Galdos Systems Inc., Xavier Lopez of Oracle Corporation and Ed Parsons of Ordnance Survey.


* [ GeoWeb Conference site]
* [ Galdos Systems Inc. Conference Organizer]
* [ Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) Conference Supporter]

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