Rahmat Samii

Rahmat Samii

Rahmat Samii a Persian-French physician, researcher, Professor of University of Medicine and authors of many medical books.

Born in Iran in 1934, his parents are from Rasht, after obtaining his MD in 1955, his early reputation as a young physician and researcher does not remain unnoticed as he receives a personal invitation with full scholarship from the famous Professor Robert DEGOS ( President of international Committee of Dermatology considered best Master of dermatology worldwide) in 1958 to attend the Medicine university of Paris and Saint louis Hospital, he became resident of dermatology and venerology of Paris Medicine university and kept working hard as Pr Associate with Pr DEGOS until he achieved in 1975 the title of Professeur agrégé á la Faculté de Médecine de Paris (Professor of Dermatology and Venerology).

Pr Samii gratuated also in Germany Professor of Dermatology and Venerology as he has worked until 1977 by being associate Professor to Prof. Dr. G.W. Korting (father of Hans Christian Korting) Chairman head of department of Mainz Hospital-University in Germany (father of Hans Christian Korting).

Pr. Samii was also founders of many hospitals and the Director and Chairman of the department of dermatology of the national university of medicine of Teheran Professor Associate Director of HENRY MONDOR Hospital in Paris with famous Pr Touraine and Professor associate in Saint Louis Hospital in Paris.

in 1967 in the world Congress of the International Society of Dermatology in Munich Germany he has presented IMPETIGO HERPETIFORME HEBRA KAPOSI he has discovered for the first time in the world “there is hypoglycemie” on it, at this occasion Pr rahmat SAMII was congratulated and admired for his discoveries and Research by Pr Marion B. Sulzberger Chief of Dermatology at NYU and UCSF from U.S.A. in 1969 in the world Congress of the International Society of Dermatology in Kyoto Japan, Pr SAMII s discovery upon Treatment of chronic lupoid cutaneous leishmaniasis with intralesinal glucantime has been unanimously selected and rewarded by his confreres during this congress, he also discovered for the first time, 3 rare cases of SWEET SYNDROME and proved for the first time that SWEET SYNDROME is an ACRODERMATOSIS.

also in 1980 he introduces his discoveries in the world Congress of the International Society of Dermatology in Paris also in the world day of dermatology in Toulouse relating to EPIDERMODYSPLASIE V.L.L FORME PITYRIASIS VERSICOLOR-LIKE WITH CANCER in 1981 broadcasted by French Television FRANCE 3.

His discovery for the first time in the history of Medicine of the disease he called VERRUCOSE GENERALISEE in 1982 has once again surprised the whole world of medicine.

Rahmat Samiihas also published several books about new methods of Hair transplantation Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery, Dermatology and pathology of sexually transmitted diseases S.T.D specially upon A.I.D.S “Vous et le SIDA” with FRISON-ROCHE “You and A.I.D.S” this book has been selected and rewarded by all the public libraries in France and also the prestigious B.N.F the Bibliothèque nationale de France and is still a best Seller in bookstores like Fnac.

ee also

* http://www.prsamii.com
* http://www.bnf.fr
* http://www.fnac.com

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