Ziri ibn Manad

Ziri ibn Manad

Ziri ibn Manad (died 971), founder of the Zirid dynasty in the Maghreb.

Ziri ibn Manad was a clan leader of the Berber Sanhaja tribe who, as an ally of the Fatimids, defeated the rebellion of Abu Yazid (943-947). His reward was the governorship of the western provinces, an area that roughly corresponds with modern Algeria north of the Sahara.

Ziri had the residence of Ashir built south of the future site of Algiers in 935, in which endeavour he was supported by the Fatimids with craftsmen and architects. His son Buluggin ibn Ziri founded the cities of Algiers, Miliana and Medea (Lamdiya), as well as rebuilding settlements destroyed in the revolt.

Ziri ibn Manad fell in battle against rebellious Berber tribes in Morocco. He was succeeded as governor by his son Buluggin ibn Ziri, who in 972 became Viceroy of Ifriqiya (972-984) when the Fatimids transferred their court to Egypt.

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