Buluggin ibn Ziri

Buluggin ibn Ziri

Abul-Futuh Sayf ad-Dawla Buluggin ibn Ziri (died 984) was the first ruler of the Zirids in Ifriqiya (972-984).

Buluggin was already given responsibility under the governorship of his father Ziri ibn Manad, during which time he founded the cities of Algiers, Miliana and Médéa. After Ziri's death in battle against renegade Berbers, Buluggin became governor of Algeria and defeated the Zanata tribe. The prisoners were resettled in great numbers in the settlement of Ashir.

When the Fatimids transferred their base from Mahdia to Egypt, Buluggin ibn Ziri was appointed viceroy of Ifriqiya, with the capital at Kairouan. The Fatimids had taken the treasury and fleet with them to Egypt, so the first priority of the Zirid government was to consolidate their rule. However the loss of the fleet meant loss of control over the Kalbids in Sicily. Buluggin advanced towards the Atlantic during a campaign in Morocco, where he also fought against the Bargawata. The Caliphate of Córdoba was however able to retain the fortresses of Ceuta and Tangiers.

Buluggin died in 984 whilst returning from this expedition. He was succeeded by his son al-Mansur ibn Buluggin (984-995).

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