Kenneth N. Robinson

Kenneth N. Robinson

Kenneth N. Robinson was a member of the First Presidency of the Community of Christ from 1996 to 2007. Robinson was also an apostle and a member of the Council of Twelve Apostles of the church from 1980 to 1996.

Robinson, a native of Perth, Australia,Steve Brisendine, [ "Community of Christ posed to break gender barrier"] , Associated Press, 2007-03-02.] became a counselor to W. Grant McMurray, the seventh prophet–president of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (RLDS Church), in 1996. (The RLDS Church changed its name to Community of Christ in 2001). Robinson had been an apostle of the church since 1980. [Doctrine and Covenants [ 154:3] .] When McMurray resigned in 2005, Robinson and fellow counselor Peter A. Judd led the church until Stephen M. Veazey was selected as the new president. [William D. Russell, "Grant McMurray and the Succession Crisis in the Community of Christ", ' 39"':(4) (Winter 2006) pp. 27–57.] Veazey selected Robinson and David D. Schaal as his counselors in the First Presidency. [ [ "Official Minutes of Business Session"] , Community of Christ World Conference 2005, 2005-06-04.]

Robinson retired from his position in the First Presidency in 2007 and was ordained to the priesthood office of evangelist. [ [ "Official Minutes of Business Session"] , Community of Christ World Conference 2007, 2007-03-27.] He was ordained to this office and replaced in the First Presidency by Becky L. Savage, who became the first female member of the First Presidency in RLDS–Community of Christ history. Upon Robinson's retirement, Veazey acknowledged Robinson as having been a "driving force behind the church's expansion outside North America".

ee also

*Howard S. Sheehy, Jr.


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