- Johan Pretorius
Johan "Lets" Pretorius (b. 1946) is a medical doctor from Potgietersrus as well as a right-winger who belongs to the
Boeremag , anirredentist organization. He is married to Minnie Pretorius and has three sons Johan, Kobus and Wilhelm who also belong to the Boeremag.He was arrested on the
15 September 2002 when he was found with a truck laden of weapons and explosives inLichtenburg .Press Release
On January 23, 2006, DR J. (LETS) PRETORIUS placed the following on record before JUDGE EBEN JORDAAN (pronounced Eeben Your-darn)
Today, January 23, Dr. Lets Pretorius, an accused in the so-called "Boeremag" trial, made a statement declaring that his wife, Minnie was physically and verbally assaulted by a black female police officer on Friday January 20, while being searched before she could enter the courtroom.
The white investigating officers immediately sided with the police officer, and it is alleged that they opened a case of Crimen injuria against Mrs. Pretorius. It is uncertain what she is alleged to have said.
Dr. Pretorius furthermore testified that he is getting the impression that the investigating officers are busy orchestrating a case against him so that they will be able to cancel his bail. Dr. Pretorius is out on R500 000 (USD $83,000) bail, and has to sign in at a police station every day.
It is rumored that a letter was recently distributed to all the area offices of the SA Police Service in which the police are warned that Dr. Lets Pretorius is busy regrouping and is using people from the USA and England. Dr. Pretorius placed it on record in court that this is a blatant lie, that there is no truth in it, and that it is blatant disinformation.
He furthermore told the court that he is especially careful about what he says and does, as the amount involved in his bail hangs like a sword over his head. He informed the court that everything he does is lawful and done in public, and that he is prepared to hand to the court all documents he has written to date.
He furthermore placed on record that he and his wife had already wanted to file a similar case against Superintendent Vreugdenburg (pronounced Free-yigh-den-burg) at a previous occasion, when he acted in a similar manner against both Mrs. Pretorius and Dr. Pretorius.
The Investigating officer in the case eventually convinced them not to proceed with the case. The accusation against Mr. Piet Skiet (pronounced "Pete Skeet") Rudolph was also referred to. Mr. Rudolph was arrested last year in the self-same court and was jailed for five days in the local prison because he had grabbed Captain Vice of the investigation team by his tie during a similar encounter in the body-search room. In this case, Mrs. Pretorius was assaulted, yet SHE is accused! Dr. Pretorius pointed the double standards out to the court.
Immediately after Dr. Pretorius had placed the matter about the police on record, Superintendent Vreugdenburg announced that all contact visits with any members of the public would be summarily stopped. The persons in custody were visibly upset about this decision, and view it as a punishment measure. After lunchtime, several advocates objected heavily against this decision.
Advocate Luyt for the State was unable to communicate the full decision of the police to the court, and Judge Jordaan ordered them to inform him tomorrow what the final decision of the police about this matter will be.
Wilhelm Pretorius is presently studying for his Master's Degree in Theology under Professor Christina Landman. On the previous Friday, an appointment had been made for a meeting in which she would meet him during lunchtime in order to discuss the final matters regarding his dissertation. After extended negotiations, she was only allowed to receive some documents, and was then summarily told to go.
It is understood that Mrs. Pretorius has already made a statement and will lay a charge of assault with the police against Constable Motsa who had allegedly assaulted her.
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