- Finite morphism
In algebraic geometry, a branch of mathematics, a morphism
of schemes is a finite morphism, if Y has an open cover by affine schemes
- Vi = SpecBi
such that for each i,
- f − 1(Vi) = Ui
is an open affine subscheme SpecAi, and the restriction of f to Ui, which induces a map of rings
makes Ai a finitely generated module over Bi.
Morphisms of finite type
There is another finiteness condition on morphisms of schemes, morphisms of finite type, which is much weaker than being finite.
Morally, a morphism of finite type corresponds to a set of polynomial equations with finitely many variables. For example, the algebraic equation
- y3 = x4 − z
corresponds to the map of (affine) schemes
or equivalently to the inclusion of rings
. This is an example of a morphism of finite type.
The technical definition is as follows: let {Vi = SpecBi} be an open cover of Y by affine schemes, and for each i let {Uij = SpecAij} be an open cover of f − 1(Vi) by affine schemes. The restriction of f to Uij induces a morphism of rings
. The morphism f is called locally of finite type, if Aij is a finitely generated algebra over Bi (via the above map of rings). If in addition the open cover
can be chosen to be finite, then f is called of finite type.
For example, if k is a field, the scheme
has a natural morphism to Speck induced by the inclusion of rings
This is a morphism of finite type, but if n > 0 then it is not a finite morphism.
On the other hand, if we take the affine scheme
, it has a natural morphism to
given by the ring homomorphism
Then this morphism is a finite morphism.
Properties of finite morphisms
In the following, f : X → Y denotes a finite morphism.
- The composition of two finite maps is finite.
- Any base change of a finite morphism is finite, i.e. if
is another (arbitrary) morphism, then the canonical morphism
is finite. This corresponds to the following algebraic statement: if A is a finitely generated B-module, then the tensor product
is a finitely generated C-module, where
is any map. The generators are
, where ai are the generators of A as a B-module.
- Closed immersion are finite, as they are locally given by
, where I is the ideal corresponding to the closed subscheme.
- Finite morphisms are closed, hence (because of their stability under base change) proper. Indeed, replacing Y by the closure of f(X), one can assume that f is dominant. Further, one can assume that Y=Spec B is affine, hence so is X=Spec A. Then the morphism corresponds to an integral extension of rings B ⊂ A. Then the statement is a reformulation of the going up theorem of Cohen-Seidenberg.
- Finite morphisms have finite fibres (i.e. they are quasi-finite). This follows from the fact that any finite k-algebra, for any field k is an Artinian ring. Slightly more generally, for a finite surjective morphism f, one has dim X=dim Y.
- Conversely, proper, quasi-finite maps are finite. This is a consequence of the Stein factorization.
- Finite morphisms are both projective and affine.
See also
- Hartshorne, Robin (1977), Algebraic Geometry, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 52, New York: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-0-387-90244-9, MR0463157
Categories:- Algebraic geometry
- Morphisms of schemes
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