

The Polish word falowiec means 'wavy block' and it is a kind of building which has a wavy shape in its body and balcony. This kind of building was built in Poland in late '60s & '70s of the 20th Century in the Polish city Gdańsk, where there are eight buildings of this type, among others probably the longest building in Europe. Some buildings of this kind are also in Italy.

The most well-known Gdańsk's falowiec has:
*11 storeys (10 plus the ground floor)
*nearly 6,000 occupants
*4 segments (4 staircases in each segment of 110 apartments).
*around 850m long

ee also

*Byker Wall, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
*Prora, Rügen, Germany
*Park Hill, Sheffield, UK
*Karl-Marx-Hof, Vienna, Austria

External links

* [http://maps.pomocnik.com/falowiec-in-gdansk-poland/ Falowiec on the satellite map]

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