Measured depth

Measured depth
(a) is an imaginary line representing the True vertical depth, while line (b) is the borehole itself, and its length is called the measured depth.

In the oil industry measured depth (commonly shortened to MD), is the length of the borehole, line (b) in the image, and is measured in feet or metres.[1] The borehole in this image is deviated from the vertical but many oilwells are still just conventional vertical wells (straight holes).

Measured depth is normally referred to as just depth except when the oilwell is directional (as is the case in the image) or horizontal. In these wells, certain engineering calculations depend upon the true vertical depth, line (a), to determine certain fluid mechanics.

The true vertical depth is always equal to or less than (≤) the measured depth. If you imagine line (b) were a piece of string and pull it straight down, you would see that it would be longer than line (a).


  1. ^ Schlumberger (2011). "Measured depth". Oilfield Glossary. Retrieved 3 February 2011. 

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