- Chibata Revolt
The Chibata Revolt was a movement of thousands of sailors in Brazilian Old Navy which started when
João Cândido Felisberto (the leader of the conspiracy) was sent to England to learn about the new dreadnought Minas Gerais. The mutiny took place fromNovember 22 toNovember 27 ,1910 , in Rio de Janeiro, which was by that time the capital of Brazil.During the Chibata mutiny, more than 2,000 sailors rebelled against the use of physical punishments to their faults, and they shot Presidential Palace (Palácio do Catete) and threatened Government to bomb all Rio de Janeiro, if the use of Chibata (a kind of whip) were not stopped in Navy 22 years after the Slavery Abolition (Abolição). The movement was successful, since it represented the end of Chibata, but Government betrayed sailors amnesty and killed around 100 and retired more than 1,000 among the rebellious.
*"Atlas históricoIstoÉ /Brasil 500 anos." São Paulo: Editora Três, 2000. p. 98.
*"João Cândido, o Almirante Negro". Rio de Janeiro: Museu da Imagem e do Som, 1999. il. fotos.
*ROLAND, Maria Inês. "A Revolta da Chibata." São Paulo: Editora Saraiva, 2000. ISBN 8502030957
*SILVA, M. A. da. "Contra a Chibata: marinheiros brasileiros em 1910." São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1982. p. 11-12. (Coleção "Tudo é História")
*Incorporates translation from pt icon "Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre [http://pt.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Revolta_da_Chibata Revota da Chibata] ".External links
*" [http://www.memoriasdachibata.com.br Memórias da Chibata] ", a
drama focusing on João Cândido and the Chibata Revolt.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.