
The Four Worlds
in Kabbalah
Shiviti on vellumTetragrammaton.jpg
Yetzirah wheel

Yetzirah (also known as Olam Yetsirah, עולם יצירה in Hebrew) is the third of four worlds in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, following Atziluth and Briah. It is known as the "World of Formation".

"Yetsirah" as in "making" is as opposed to "Briah" as in "Creating": actually taking whatever matter that was created in the "Briah" and shaping it into the basic elements


Within the Western mystery tradition, the different Sephiroth in this world are associated with the angels, and it is associated with the suit of swords in the occult tarot. On the Tree of Life diagram it is associated with the Sephiroth Hod, Netzach and Yesod.


References and further reading

The Mystical Qabalah, Dion Fortune, Samuel Weiser publisher, 1984 p. 64

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