Johann Jakob Nöggerath

Johann Jakob Nöggerath

Johann Jacob Noeggerath (October 10, 1788 – September 13, 1877), German mineralogist and geologist, was born at Bonn. In 1814-1815 he became commissioner of mines for some of the Rhine Provinces, and in 1818 professor of mineralogy and afterwards professor of geology, director of the Museum of Natural History and chief of the mining department in the university at Bonn. He obtained a very fine collection of minerals for the museum, was eminently successful as a teacher, and achieved a wide reputation among mining engineers.

The following are his more important publications: "Über aufrecht im Gebirgsgestein eingeschlossene fossile Baumstämme und andere Vegetabilien" (1819-1821); "Das Gebirge in Rheinland-Westphalen, nach mineralogischem und chemischem Bezuge" (4 vol., 1822-1826); "Die Entstehung der Erde" (1843); "Der Laacher See und seine vulkanischen Umgebungen" (1870).

The Carboniferous plant "Noeggerathia", allied to the Zamias and Cycads, was named after him. He died at Bonn.



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