Geir Kjetsaa

Geir Kjetsaa

Geir Kjetsaa (June 2, 1937 – June 2, 2008) was a Norwegian professor in Russian literary history at the University of Oslo, translator of Russian literature, and author of several biographies of classical Russian icon [ "Professoren, livet og dikterne"] – "Apollon (05.01.2005)" (Retrieved on June 5, 2008)]

He graduated as cand.philol. in 1963, took the dr.philos degree in 1969, and was appointed professor in 1971. Kjetsaa was member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and of the Norwegian Academy for Language and Literature.

He was born in Oslo, but grew up and died in Hornnes.

elected writings

*"Jevgenij Baratynskij: Liv og diktning" (thesis, 1969)
*"A norm for the use of poetical language in the age of Puskin: A comparative analysis" (1983)
*"The Authorship of The Quiet Don" (1984)
*"Fjodor Dostojevskij, et dikterliv" (biography, 1985) ("Fyodor Dostoyevsky: A Writer's Life")
*"Nikolaj Gogol: Den gåtefulle dikteren" (biography, 1990)
*"Maksim Gorkij: En dikterskjebne" (biography, 1994)
*"Lev Tolstoj: Den russiske jords store dikter" (biography, 1999)
*"Tsjekhov" (biography, 2004)


*2004: Anders Jahres icon [ "Jahre-pris til Kjetsaa og Ambjørnsen"] – "NRK Kultur (30.06.2004)" (Retrieved on June 5, 2008)]
*2007: Decorated Commander of the Royal Norwegian Order of St. icon [ "Dekorert som Kommandør av Den Kgl. St. Olavs Orden"] – "Fylkesmannen i Vest-Agder (21. november 2007 )" (Retrieved on June 5, 2008)]


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