- A. A. Long
Anthony A. Long (born
17 August 1937 ) is a British andnaturalised Americanclassical scholar andProfessor ofClassics andIrving Stone Professor of Literature at theUniversity of California, Berkeley .Long was educated at
Manchester Grammar School (1948 - 1955) andUniversity College, London (1957 - 1960) where he took afirst class honours degree in Classics and was subsequently awarded a PhD degree.Between 1961 and 1971 he held
lecturer positions in Classics atUniversity of Otago , New Zealand, theUniversity of Nottingham and University College, London, where in 1971 he was promoted to the position of Reader. In 1973 Long moved to theUniversity of Liverpool to take up the post of Gladstone Professor of Greek, a position he held until assuming his current position of Professor of Classics at University of California, Berkeley in 1982. While at University College, London he supervised thedoctoral thesis ofDavid Sedley , the seventhLaurence Professor of Ancient Philosophy atCambridge University .He was elected a
Fellow of the British Academy in 1992.Publications
* "Language and Thought in Sophocles. A Study of Abstract Nouns and Poetic Technique" (Athlone Press, London, 1968)
* "Problems in" "Stoicism", (editor) (Athlone Press, London, 1971)
* "Hellenistic Philosophy. Stoics," "Epicureans", "Sceptics" (Gerald Duckworth and Charles Scribner's Sons, London and New York, 1974)
* "The Hellenistic Philosophers. vol. 1 The principal sources in translation with philosophical commentary" with D.N.Sedley (Cambridge University Press, 1987)
* "The Hellenistic Philosophers Vol. 2 Greek and Latin texts with notes" with D.N.Sedley (Cambridge University Press, 1987)
* "Thophrastus" "of Eresus. On His Life and Work", (co-editor with P.M. Huby and W.W. Fortenbaugh), (New Brunswick and Oxford, 1985)
* "The Question of Eclecticism. Studies in later Greek Philosophy", (co-editor with J. Dillon) (University of California Press, 1988)
* "Ierocle", with G. Bastianini, in Corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e Latini, vol. 1 (Florence, 1992): pp. 268-441
* "Images and Ideologies: Self-definition in the Hellenistic World", (co-editor with A.W. Bulloch, E.S. Gruen, A. Stewart) (University of California Press, 1993)
* "Stoic Studies" (Cambridge University Press, 1996)
* "The Cambridge Companion to Early Greek Philosophy", (editor) (Cambridge University Press, 1999): pp. xxxii+413 translated into German (2001)
* "Epictetus". "A Stoic and Socratic Guide to Life" (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2002)References
* [http://classics.berkeley.edu/facCVs/aal.html CV of A. A. Long]
* [http://www.britac.ac.uk/fellowship/directory/cor.asp?letter=L British Academy: Listing of corresponding fellows - habitually resident outside the United Kingdom]
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