35th G8 summit

35th G8 summit

The 35th G8 summit is to take place in Maddalena, Italy, in July 2009 [ [http://uk.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUKL1474871320070614 "Small Sardinian island to host G8 summit in 2009,"] Reuters. June 14, 2007.] . The Mediterranean island of La Maddalena is the largest island of the Maddalena Archipelago, situated in the Straits of Bonifacio between Corsica and Northeast Sardinia. ["Regione Autonoma della Sardegna:" [http://www.regione.sardegna.it/j/v/14?&s=1&v=9&c=3696&nodesc=1 ] ] The locations of previous summits to have been hosted by Italy include: Venice (1980 and 1987), Naples (1994) and Genoa (2001). [Smith, Diane. [http://www.efluxmedia.com/news_2009_G8_Summit_In_La_Maddalena_Italy_06547.html "2009 G8 Summit In La Maddalena, Italy,"] eFluxMedia (New York). June 15, 2007.]

The G8 is an unofficial forum which brings together the heads of the leading industrialized democracies: Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, the United States, Canada (since 1976), Russia (since 1998),Saunders, Doug. [http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080704.wG8-analysis05/BNStory/International/columnists "Weight of the world too heavy for G8 shoulders,"] "Globe and Mail" (Toronto). July 5, 2008.] and the EU Commission (since 1981). [Reuters: [http://uk.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUKB26280520080703?sp=true "Factbox: The Group of Eight: what is it?"] , July 3, 2008.] The G8 summits during the twenty-first century have also involved widespread parallel debates, protests and demonstrations by citizens.cite web| last =| first =| authorlink =| coauthors =| title =G8 Action Network| work =| publisher =G8 Action Network| date =| url =http://www.jca.apc.org/alt-g8/en |format =| doi =| accessdate = 2008-06-29] Among the reasons cited for demonstrations and protests were that a G8 summit is merely an arbitrary meeting of national leaderscite news | first= | last= | pages= | language =| title=Let's Join in G8 Action Network Action Against Social Exclusion and Call for Fair Labor - Join Us in the Movement Against G8 | date=2008-06-20 | publisher=No G8 Action Japan | url=http://linux7.sanpal.co.jp/no-g8/?q=en/node/182 |accessdate=2008-06-29] and that it is also a nexus which becomes more than the sum of its parts, elevating the participants, the event and the venue as focal points for activist pressure. [http://www.bond.org.uk/News/g8summit.htm "Update: G8...Forward plan with others for future G8 summits,"] BOND (British Overseas NGOs for Development). 2008.]

Leaders at the summit

The composition of the G8 summit is not expected to become an agenda item, but it is a perennial subject of speculation. [ [http://www.agi.it/world/news/200807070918-cro-ren0004-art.html "G8: U. S. Against Broadening to Emerging Economies,"] AGI (Agenzia Giornolistica Italiana). July 7, 2008.] Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi announced at the press conference at the end of the second day of the Hokkaido summit that the current number of participants will be maintained when the G8 leaders meet next on the island of La Maddalena in 2009. Berlusconi also explained that a proposal to expand the G8 to include members of the Group of Five (G8+G5) emerging economies - China, India, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa - had not found sufficient support. "G8: Summit format to be maintained,"] ANSA (Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata - Società Cooperativa). July 8, 2008.]

Political changes in the G8 member nations are likely to affect the composition of the 35th G8 summit. [Canseco, Mario. [http://www.angus-reid.com/analysis/view/31220/a_summit_of_goodbyes/ "A Summit of Goodbyes,"] Angus Reid Global Monitor. July 14, 2008.]


The composition of the G8 summit is a perennial topic. The G8 summits have considered the the President of the European Commission as a permanently welcome participant in all G8 meetings and decision-making since 1981. [Reuters: [http://uk.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUKB26280520080703?sp=true "Factbox: The Group of Eight: what is it?"] , July 3, 2008.]
*flagicon|Canada Canada
*flagicon|France France
*flagicon|Germany Germany
*flagicon|Italy Italy
*flagicon|Japan Japan
*flagicon|Russia Russia
*flagicon|United Kingdom United Kingdom
*flagicon|USA United States

Invited leaders (partial participation)

A number of national leaders were invited to attend the summit and to participate in some, but not all, G8 summit activities.

G8+5 leaders

The G8 plus the five largest emerging economies are known as G8+5.
*flagicon|Brazil Brazil
*flagicon|China China
*flagicon|India India
*flagicon|Mexico Mexico
*flagicon|South Africa South Africa

Other leaders

Other world leaders have been invited to previous G8 summit meetings; and this practice is expected to continue.

Heads of international organizations

Leaders of major international organizations have also been invited to attend in the past; and this practice is expected to continue:
*flagicon|CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
* International Energy Agency
*flagicon|UN United Nations


Traditionally, the host country of the G8 summit sets the agenda for negotiations, which take place primarily amongst multi-national civil servants in the weeks before the summit itself, leading to a joint declaration which all countries can agree to sign. This year, leaders of the G8 hoped to find common ground

chedule and Agenda

Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi explained that the schedule of meetings would be very much like that of the Hokkaido summit,:"My opinion is that it is best to keep together countries which share the same principles and I suggested that in 2009 the first day of the summit should see just the G8 meet. On the second day the table can be expanded in the morning to include the G5, with the G8+5 also discussing Africa, while the G8 would then meet alone in the afternoon to draw their conclusions. This program was unanimously accepted and will be used at the G8 summit in Italy." [see above] ]

A tentative agenda for the 35th G8 summit will include some issues which remain unresolved from previous summits.



The G8 leaders will discuss a range of issues relating to African development. Africa, which has been on the G8 agenda since 2000, has continues to lag behind on progress towards meeting Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). [http://blogs.odi.org.uk/blogs/main/archive/2007/12/20/5484.aspx The Japan G8 in 2008: a New Years Resolution for delivery on the big questions? ] , "ODI Blog", published December 20, 2007-12-20, accessed 2008-01-02]

Climate change

The G8 leaders will discuss a range of issues relating to climate in the context of a framework established at the 2007 United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Bali, Indonesia.

Citizens' responses and authorities' counter-responses

Protesters and demonstrations

Protest groups and other activists are expected to make a showing at the summit. Forward planning for this and future G8 summits began in advance of the 2008 Hokkaido summit. Activist organizations anticipate that early planning can result in greater networking effectiveness for G8 summits. The 2009 summit will likely attract significant focus for development campaigners in G8 countries and elsewhere in Europe including the regional GCAP Europe. Collective campaigning ahead of the European Parliament elections is also anticipated to generate momentum on global issues ahead of July 2009. [see above] ] In 2008, a number of commemorative events were organized to mark the seventh anniversary of demonstrations at the Genoa G8 summit; and the occasion included a call for people to participate in preparations for protests at the 2009 G8 summit. [ [http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/07/403710.html "G8 Genoa: Police receive low sentences,"] Gipfelsoli Infogroup. July 15, 2008.]

Not all demonstrations are expected to be focused in opposition to some issue. At the 2005 Scotland summit, for the first time the tens of thousands of people protesting outside were actually supporting the summit's agenda of African aid; [see above] ] and some activists traveled to Hokkaido for the same purpose. [ [http://www.thestar.co.uk/latest-entertainment-news/Were-not-G8-protesters-says.4266746.jp "We're not G8 protesters, says Nighy,"] "Star" (Sheffield). July 8, 2008.]

Citizen journalism

Citizens' groups are expected to organize citizen journalism centers to provide independent media coverage of the G8 summit and the expected protests. In a sense, this article will evolve as the work product of something like citizen journalism, growing through serial draft texts as part of "the first rough draft of history." [Braiker, Brian. [http://www.newsweek.com/id/50317?tid=relatedcl "History's New First Draft,"] "Newsweek" (New York). July 8, 2008; Keyes, Ralph. [http://books.google.com/books?id=d6JZryGvfxYC&pg=PA107&dq=Newsweek+first+draft+of+history&client=firefox-a&sig=ACfU3U1RKLjBGwm_VoOsbWwOKAilB7nQbg "The Quote Verifier: Who Said What, Where, and when," p. 107.] ]


The G8 summit is an international event which is observed and reported by news media, but the G8's continuing relevance after more than 30 years is somewhat unclear. [Lee, Don. [http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/asection/la-fg-summit6-2008jul06,0,2282497.story "On eve of summit, G-8's relevance is unclear,"] "Los Angeles Times." July 6, 2008.] The G8 summit brings leaders together not so they can dream up quick fixes, but to talk and think about them together.Feldman, Adam. [http://www.forbes.com/opinions/2008/07/05/problems-unity-progress-oped-cx_af_summit08_0707feldman.html "What's Wrong With The G-8,"] "Forbes" (New York). July 7, 2008.]


The Italian government has yet to announce how much the nation expects to invest in hosting the G-8 summit in 2009.



* Architetto Frau: [http://www.adnkronos.com/IGN/Regioni/Sardegna.php?id=1.0.2354506697 "Esperti Maddalena pronti a collaborare a lavori per vertice G8,"] Italy Global Nation (IGN). July 21, 2008.

See also

* International Panel on Climate Change
* United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

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