Vanden Winter ende vanden Somer

Vanden Winter ende vanden Somer

Vanden Winter ende vanden Somer is a Middle Dutch drama. It is the shortest of the four abele spelen that are contained in the "Hulthemse handschrift" and consists of 625 lines in rhyme

The other abele spelen are: Esmoreit, Gloriant and Lanseloet van Denemerken.

The play deals with the battle between Winter and Somer (Summer) and their role in making love. The play is followed by the "sotternie", the farce, Rubben.


* Venus, ("goddess of love")
* Die Winter
* Die Somer
* Loiaert (on Winter’s side, "lazy man")
* Moyaert (on Somer’s side, "dandy")
* Clappaert (on Winter’s side, "talks a mile a minute")
* Bollaert (on Somer’s side, "boaster")
* Die Cockien ("tramp")


The main figures Winter and Somer and their companions have a fierce discussion about which of the two is the most important season of the year for making love. Both are convinced they are: Winter because of the long night to play the “game of love”; Somer because of the “happy season for happy hearts”.

Because of the high tempers they decide to have a duel to see who is right; they both expect to win to get rid of the other for all time.

While both are preparing themselves Moyaert runs to the goddess Venus to bring in her help because it all deals with love after all.

Venus separates the to who at first are reluctant to do so. In the end they give in out of respect for her.

Venus points out the importance and equality of the two seasons and the fact that the one cannot be without the other.

There is only one loser and the end of the play: Cockien wanted Somer to win.

External link

Original Middle Dutch text
* [ Vanden Winter ende vanden Somer] (with line numbers) bij de Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren: The Digital Library of Dutch literature

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