Turkish Basketball League 2004-2005

Turkish Basketball League 2004-2005

The 2004-05 Turkish Basketball League is the 39th edition of the top-flight professional basketball league in Turkey.

Regular Season Standings

"as of May 30, 2005"

"(*) 1 point has been deleted because of the incidents happened by the Efes Pilsen Game. "
"(**) 1 point has been deleted because of the incidents happened by the Erdemirspor Game."

*"Turkish Basketball Federation has decided to increase the number of the teams in the Turkish Basketball First League to 16 for the next season. As a result of these there were no relegation for the 2004-2005 season.
Mersin BŞB. and Beykozspor have won promotion from the second league and will play the2006-2007 season in the Turkish Basketball First League."

Beko Basketball League 2004/2005 Play-offs

"as of June 30, 2005"

The 2005 Beko Basketball League Play-offs is the final phase of the 2004-2005 regular season.

Quarterfinal and Semifinal series are 5-match series. The teams reaches the first 3 wins is through to the next round. The team which has won both regular season matchups starts with a 1-0 lead to the series.

Final series are 7-match series and the team reaches first 4 wins is the champion of the Beko Basketball League.

RD1=Quarter Finals

RD1-team1=Efes Pilsen

RD1-team4=Pınar Karşıyaka

RD1-team6=Türk Telekom

RD1-team8=Tuborg Pilsener

RD2-team1=Efes Pilsen


RD3-team1=Efes Pilsen

2004/2005 Play-off seedings, results, and schedules

Quarter Finals

(1) Efes Pilsen (24-2) vs. (8) Tekelspor (10-16) (Series starts 1-0)
*Game 1 8 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2183 Efes Pilsen: 78, Tekelspor: 61] (2-0)
*Game 2 10 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2187 Tekelspor: 72, Efes Pilsen: 99] (0-3)

"Efes Pilsen wins the series 3:0"

(2) Ülkerspor (21-5) vs. (7) Türk Telekom (13-13) (Series starts 1-0)
*Game 1 9 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2186 Ülkerspor: 105, Türk Telekom: 93] (2-0)
*Game 2 11 May, 2005, Ankara: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2189 Türk Telekom: 85, Ülkerspor: 93] (0-3)

"Ülkerspor wins the series 3:0"

(3) Beşiktaş (17-9) vs. (6) Tuborg Pilsener (16-10) (Series starts 0-0)
*Game 1 9 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2185 Beşiktaş: 97, Tuborg Pilsener: 77] (1-0)
*Game 2 11 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2190 Beşiktaş: 91, Tuborg Pilsener: 85] (2-0)
*Game 3 13 May, 2005, Izmir: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2192 Tuborg Pilsener: 78, Beşiktaş: 85] (0-3)

"Beşiktaş wins the series 3:0"

(4) Fenerbahçe (16-10) vs. (5) Pınar Karşıyaka (16-10) (Series starts 0-0)
*Game 1 8 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2184 Fenerbahçe: 85, Pınar Karşıayaka: 59] (1-0)
*Game 2 10 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2188 Fenerbahçe: 77, Pınar Karşıayaka: 67] (2-0)
*Game 3 12 May, 2005, Izmir: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2191 Pınar Karşıayaka: 71, Fenerbahçe: 86] (0-3)

"Fenerbahçe wins the series 3:0"


(1) Efes Pilsen (24-2) vs. (4) Fenerbahçe (16-10) (Series starts 0-0)
*Game 1 18 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2193 Efes Pilsen: 88, Fenerbahçe: 84] (1-0)
*Game 2 21 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2195 Efes Pilsen: 87, Fenerbahçe: 78] (2-0)
*Game 3 23 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2197 Fenerbahçe: 82, Efes Pilsen: 80] (1-2)
*Game 4 26 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2199 Fenerbahçe: 63, Efes Pilsen: 70] (1-3)

"Efes Pilsen wins the series 3:1"

(2) Ülkerspor (21-5) vs. (3) Beşiktaş (17-9) (Series starts 0-1)
*Game 1 19 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2194 Beşiktaş: 74, Ülkerspor: 73] (2-0)
*Game 2 22 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2196 Ülkerspor: 96, Beşiktaş: 92] (1-2)
*Game 3 24 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2198 Ülkerspor: 77, Beşiktaş: 83] (1-3)

"Beşiktaş wins the series 3:1"

League Finals

(1) Efes Pilsen (24-2) vs. (8) Beşiktaş (17-9) (Series starts 1-0)
*Game 1 30 May, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2200 Efes Pilsen: 73, Beşiktaş: 68] (2-0)
*Game 2 2 June, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2201 Beşiktaş: 78, Efes Pilsen: 73] (1-2)
*Game 3 5 June, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2202 Beşiktaş: 78, Efes Pilsen: 93] (1-3)
*Game 4 7 June, 2005, Istanbul: [http://basketbol.tblstat.net/gd.asp?g=2203 Efes Pilsen: 78, Beşiktaş: 68] (4-1)

"Efes Pilsen wins the series 4:1."

tat leaders



*WEEK 1Büyük Kolej 75 - 71 Galatasaray, Darüşşafaka 54 - 67 Tuborg Pilsener, Pınar Karşıyaka 75 - 87 Beşiktaş ,Tekelspor 70 - 84 Efes Pilsen ,Erdemirspor 67 - 72 Fenerbahçe ,Ülkerspor 80 - 67 Türk Telekom ,İTÜ 101 - 104 Banvitspor .

*WEEK 2 Türk Telekom 0 - 20 Erdemirspor ,Tuborg Pilsener 80 - 73 Tekelspor, Beşiktaş 97 - 74 İTÜ ,Banvitspor 66 - 60 Büyük Kolej, Galatasaray 66 - 99 Ülkerspor ,Fenerbahçe 92 - 84 UZ Darüşşafaka, Efes Pilsen 80 - 53 Pınar Karşıyaka.

*WEEK 3 İTÜ 85 - 75 Galatasaray, Darüşşafaka 64 - 82 Efes Pilsen, Pınar Karşıyaka 76 - 66 Banvitspor, Tekelspor 80 - 85 Beşiktaş ,Büyük Kolej 47 - 89 Ülkerspor, Erdemirspor 86 - 74 Tuborg Pilsener, Fenerbahçe 87 - 82 Türk Telekom .

*WEEK 4 Beşiktaş 77 - 73 Büyük Kolej, Türk Telekom 84 - 89 Galatasaray, Efes Pilsen 87 - 64 İTÜ ,Darüşşafaka 61 - 65 Erdemirspor, Tuborg Pilsener 66 - 71 Pınar Karşıyaka ,Banvitspor 88 - 97 Ülkerspor ,Tekelspor 71 - 80 Fenerbahçe.

*WEEK 5 İTÜ 88 - 84 Türk Telekom ,Fenerbahçe 83 - 79 Beşiktaş ,Tuborg Pilsener 70 - 86 Efes Pilsen, Galatasaray 73 - 70 Darüşşafaka ,Erdemirspor 69 - 83 Banvitspor ,Büyük Kolej 69 - 78 Pınar Karşıyaka, Tekelspor 76 - 80 Ülkerspor .

*WEEK 6 Türk Telekom 80 - 71 Büyük Kolej ,Ülkerspor 95 - 54 İTÜ ,Beşiktaş 78 - 75 Darüşşafaka ,Efes Pilsen 107 - 68 Erdemirspor, Pınar Karşıyaka 95 - 77 Galatasaray, Banvitspor 75 - 76 Tekelspor ,Fenerbahçe 73 - 82 Tuborg Pilsener.

*WEEK 7 Büyük Kolej 64 - 75 İTÜ ,Fenerbahçe 72 - 65 Efes Pilsen, Galatasaray 69 - 60 Tekelspor ,Tuborg Pilsener 84 - 91 Türk Telekom, Erdemirspor 88 - 93 Beşiktaş ,Ülkerspor 68 - 61 Pınar Karşıyaka, Darüşşafaka 98 - 88 Banvitspor .

*WEEK 8 Tekelspor 86 - 72 Büyük Kolej ,Ülkerspor 73 - 62 Darüşşafaka ,Galatasaray 90 - 95 UZ Erdemirspor, Türk Telekom 78 - 95 Efes Pilsen ,Banvitspor 74 - 80 Fenerbahçe ,Beşiktaş 89 - 81 Tuborg Pilsener, Pınar Karşıyaka 110 - 85 İTÜ .
*WEEK 9 Türk Telekom 67 - 59 Banvitspor ,Ülkerspor 60 - 68 Efes Pilsen ,Darüşşafaka 78 - 68 Tekelspor ,Tuborg Pilsener 83 - 77 Büyük Kolej, Galatasaray 71 - 83 Beşiktaş ,İTÜ 102 - 99 Fenerbahçe ,Erdemirspor 83 - 78 Pınar Karşıyaka .



ee also

Turkish Basketball League 2005-2006
Turkish Basketball League 2003-2004 All Seasons [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_Basketball_League#Turkish_Basketball_League_Past_Seasons]

External links

* [http://www.tbl.org.tr/ Turkish Basketball League Official Website]
* [http://www.tbf.org.tr/ Turkish Basketball Federation Official Website]
*en icon [http://www.tblstat.net tblstat.net]
*tr icon [http://www.ttbasket.net Turk Telekom Fans' site]

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