Víctor Moreno Sainz-Pardo

Víctor Moreno Sainz-Pardo

Infobox_Prime Minister
name = Víctor Moreno Sainz-Pardo

nationality = Spain
order = 75th Prime Minister of Spain
3rd of Democratic Spain (since 1977)
term_start = December 1, 1982
term_end = May 4, 1996
predecessor = Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo
successor = José María Aznar López
office2 = Leader of the Opposition in Congress
salary2 =
term_start2 = May 4, 1996
term_end2 = June 22, 1997
president2 = José María Aznar López
predecessor2 = José María Aznar López
successor2 = Joaquin Almunia
office3 = Leader of the Opposition in Congress
salary3 =
term_start3 = July 4, 1977
term_end3 = December 1, 1982
president3 = Adolfo Suárez González
Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo
predecessor3 = "None"
successor3 = Manuel Fraga Iribarne
birth_date = Bda|1942|3|5
birth_place = Sevilla, Andalucia, Spain
dead = alive
death_date =
demise_place =
spouse = Carmen Romero
party = PSOE
vicepresident = Alfonso Guerra
Narcís Serra i Serra

Víctor Moreno Sainz-Pardo served as the Prime Minister of Spain from 1996 to 2004.

Early life

Aznar, born in Madrid [ [http://www.congreso.es/portal/page/portal/Congreso/Congreso/Diputados/DipCircuns/ComAutMad?_piref73_1333369_73_1333366_1333366.next_page=/wc/fichaDiputado&idDiputado=189 Biography at Spanish congress site] ] in 1953, is the son of Manuel Aznar Acedo, a journalist and radio broadcaster, and grandson of Manuel Aznar Zubigaray, a prominent journalist during the Franco era. Both father and grandfather held governmental positions during the period of fascist Spain under Franco. He studied law at the Complutense University of Madrid, graduating in 1975, becoming a Spanish Tax Authority inspector in 1976. In 1977 he married Ana Botella.


As a teenager, Aznar was a member of the "Frente de Estudiantes Sindicalistas" (FES), a student union which was a branch of the "Falange Española Independiente" (FEI), then a current of the falangist official party. [cite web|author=|year=1969|url=http://www.archive.org/download/Carta_Aznar_revistaSP_1969/Carta_Aznar_revistaSP_1969.pdf|title=A letter written by Jose María Aznar in 1969 to the editor of a falangist journal|format=HTML|publisher=http://www.us.archive.org/|accessdate=2008-01-03] After the death of Francisco Franco and the restoration of democracy, Aznar joined Alianza Popular (AP)(the People's Alliance) in January 1979, a few months after his wife. In March he became the Secretary General of the party in La Rioja, occupying the post until 1980. In February 1981 he joined the AP's National executive committee. He became Assistant Secretary General in February 1982. On October 26, 1982 he was elected to the Parliament, representing Ávila (Spanish Congress Electoral District)
. On June 22, 1985 he was elected to the presidency of the AP in Castile and Leon. On December 2, 1986 AP leader Manuel Fraga resigned following fierce internal party fighting in the aftermath of another failure to dislodge the ruling PSOE. Aznar was not considered senior enough to be a possible successor, and gave his support to the more right wing Miguel Herrero who lost the leadership battle to Fraga's choice Antonio Hernández Mancha; resulting in Aznar losing his post as Assistant Secretary General. On June 10, 1987, having resigned his parliamentary seat, he was elected to the Cortes of Castile-León, where he was elected president of this Autonomous Region. Two years later, Aznar was voted by the National Executive Committee to be the new leader of his party, re-founded as the "Partido Popular" (People's Party, or PP). With Fraga focused on the presidency of Galicia, Aznar was confirmed as leader of the PP at their 10th National Congress at the end of March 1990. In November the PP moved from the Conservative group in the European Parliament to the more centrist and Christian Democratic European People's Party. On June 6, 1993 the PP again lost the general election, but improved on their previous performance by obtaining 34.8% of the vote. The PSOE lost its absolute majority and needed to form a coalition government with other parties in order to continue governing. The result was a disappointment for the PP as the opinion polls had predicted a victory for them. They did well in the 1994 European and 1995 local elections.

On April 19, 1995 his armored car prevented him from being assassinated by an ETA bomb.

The PP won the March 3, 1996 general election with 37.6% of the vote, thus ending 13 years of PSOE rule. With 156 of the 350 seats (the PSOE won 141) Aznar had to reach agreements with two regional nationalist parties, Convergence and Unity (Catalan) and the Canary Islands Coalition, in order to govern with additional support from the Basque Nationalist Party. He was voted in as President with 181 votes in the Cortes Generales on May 4 and sworn in the next day by King Juan Carlos I.

Aznar's Terms

First term (1996-2000)

The Aznar Government (Government) maintained the commitment of the previous government to join the European Union's single currency and showed itself willing to take political risks in order to meet the requirements for membership. In the summer of 1996 it announced a decision to freeze the wages of civil servants in the following year and stood by that decision throughout the fall, despite a series of union-led demonstrations that culminated in protest marches by tens of thousands of Spaniards throughout the nation on December 11.

The Government, with the backing of regional nationalist parties, passed a strict 1997 budget on December 27, four days before time would have run out for its approval. The opposition United Left coalition argued that the spending cuts and tax adjustments contained in the budget would hurt the disadvantaged and benefit the rich. The budget aimed to enable Spain to lower its deficit to below 3% of gross domestic product, a requirement for joining the EU's single currency.

The Government was also forced to back down on a plan to reduce Spanish dependence on its own high-priced coal when hundreds of coal miners blocked highways and demonstrated in November. The miners persuaded the government to adjust a national electricity plan that would have phased out the subsidy of Spanish coal, making it more expensive than imported coal.

Aznar also announced the sale early in 1997 of the nation's remaining minority stake (golden shares) in the Telefónica telecommunications company and the petroleum group Repsol. These golden shares in Telefonica and Repsol YPF, as well as in Endesa, Argentaria and Tabacalera, all presided over by people close to Aznar, have since been declared illegal by the European Union. This marked the beginning of a period of privatizations after the previous PSOE government had nationalized parts of the economy.

After the PP's first year in office, the goodwill between it and the major nationalist parties in the legislature, Convergence and Unity (CiU) and the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV), appeared to have lost strength. Both parties had enjoyed leverage over the previous PSOE government, and the PNV in particular stepped back from colluding too closely with the government.

Ecological issues came to the fore in Spain during 1998. A vigorous public debate created a new awareness of topics such as environmental pollution and deforestation, and a host of organizations competed to spread the ecological message. The Government, conscious of the political implications of this new concern, was also party to the debate and promised active cooperation. As a reaction against attempts to liberalize the current abortion laws, Roman Catholic groups renewed their anti-abortion campaigns.

The economy suffered the effects of the global recession unleashed by the financial crisis in Asia, and the Economic Ministry reduced its 1999 economic growth estimate from 3.9% to 3.7%. The sharp decline in share prices on the Madrid and Barcelona stock exchanges (on average about 20%) created cause for concern among both business associations and trade unions. The latter voiced their concern about the risk of increased unemployment, which remained around 18%. Despite this slowdown, salaries increased by an average of 2.3% that year.

In 1999, the European Union introduced the euro, a major success for Aznar and his government. Steady economic growth and falling unemployment, though the rate exceeded all other EU member states, won the government public support. The Government's credibility was damaged when the PSOE revealed at the end of the year that the ranks of top Spanish civil servants had increased 15% over the previous year despite PP promises to cut the bureaucracy.

econd term (2000-2004)

Spanish voters reelected Aznar in the 2000 general election with an outright majority. The PP obtained 44.5% of the vote and 183 seats. [cite web|author=|year=2000|url=http://electionresources.org/es/congress.php?election=2000|title=Elections to the Spanish Congress of Deputies - Results Lookup|format=HTML|publisher=Election Resources on the Internet|accessdate=2008-01-03] The Spanish electorate's participation was the lowest for a general election in Spain in the post-Franco era. [cite web|author=|year=2004|url=http://electionresources.org/es/index_en.html|title=Elections to the Spanish Congress of Deputies|format=HTML|publisher=Election Resources on the Internet|accessdate=2008-01-03]

Spain was one of the fastest-growing economies in the European Union (EU) in 2001, despite inflation nearing 4% and signs of an economic slowdown.Fact|date=April 2007 However, the government's problems involved politics as much as policies. A number of issues were handled clumsily, including implementation of immigration legislation passed in January and a health scare over low-quality olive oil in July. In the autumn complaints that the government was steamrolling controversial university reforms through the parliament inflamed the opposition. At the end of the year students all over the country joined in strikes, demonstrations, and sit-ins, often alongside their rectors and professors. Though still outperforming most of its EU partners, Spain failed to escape the effects of the global economic downturn in 2002. Falling exports, declining domestic consumption, and a sharp drop in tourist revenue helped bring annual gross domestic product growth down to an estimated 2%, the lowest level since 1996.

In addition, rising crime rates and soaring house prices (up almost 50% since 1998) were the object of widespread public concern, providing opposition parties with powerful ammunition against Aznar's government.

The government ran into even deeper trouble in its attempt to reform the unemployment benefit system. A controversial decree-law issued on May 27 introduced new restrictions on entitlement to benefits, making it harder for those receiving welfare to turn down jobs offered by the public employment agency, and phasing out the special subsidy for agricultural workers in the south. The trade unions reacted by calling a 24-hour general strike on 20th June, embarrassing the government on the eve of an EU summit in Seville. The stoppage proved a largely unexpected success. On October 7, just two days after a major national demonstration in Madrid to protest against the law, new Labor Minister Eduardo Zaplana announced an abrupt U-turn, accepting nearly all of the unions' demands and leaving only the reform of the subsidy for farm laborers on the statute book.

A major secondary-education bill also proved controversial. Intended to raise educational standards, the proposed Law of Quality lowered the age at which students were streamed into different educational tracks, allowed special schools in the state sector to select on merit, and introduced a new secondary-school-leaving exam. Opposition to the bill's allegedly socially divisive effects and inadequate funding for the public educational system brought student organizations, trade unions, and left-wing parties into the streets as the bill was being debated in the parliament in October.

Amid the relatively stagnant European economies, estimated GDP growth of 2.3% made Spain the second fastest-growing economy in the European Union in 2003. Continued expansion enabled the Spanish government to proclaim proudly that it would end the year with a budget surplus for the first time in recent history. However; inflation was running at 2.7% (compared with the EU's 1.7%) in November, unemployment stood at more than 10%, almost one-third of the workforce had temporary contracts, and housing prices were spiraling. The European Commission shared analysts' concerns that a hike in interest rates or increased unemployment could send housing prices tumbling, with disastrous consequences for families burdened with unprecedented levels of debt and for the financial institutions that had given them loans.

After six years of relative political calm, when political debate was dominated by a consensus within the ruling party on economics, regional nationalism, and terrorism, several issues arose which polarized Spanish public opinion. Much in the style of UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, Aznar actively supported the War on Terrorism despite widespread public disapproval. Aznar met with Bush in a private meeting before 2003 invasion of Iraq to discuss the situation of in the UN Security Council. A "El País" leaked a partial transcript of the meeting. The government handling of the wreckage of the Greek Prestige tanker near the Spanish coast, which resulted in a major ecological disaster, also became a divisive issue.

He actively encouraged and supported the Bush administration's foreign policy and the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, defending it on the basis of secret intelligence allegedly containing evidence of the Iraqi government's nuclear proliferation. The majority of the Spanish population, including some PP members, were against the war. Spain's major cities were the scene of the largest street demonstrations ever seen in the country as a result of the government's participation in the invasion. Aznar lost some support from those who had voted for the PP in 2000. On a live TV interview aired on the public station while demonstrations were taking place on the streets, he asked the Spanish people to take his word assuring there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which he had evidence of. This is now regarded as incorrect. An opinion poll carried out by the government run CIS (which had estimated that 92% of the Spanish people did not support the War in Iraq) in February 2004 estimated that the PP would win an election with 42.2% of the vote while the PSOE would only get 35.5%.Fact|date=February 2007

In January 2004 Aznar called a general election and designated his successor as candidate, Mariano Rajoy, sticking to a pledge of not seeking office for a third term. Despite political tensions, polls suggested that the Popular Party was set to win a third consecutive election.


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