neopenis — noun The penis of a transgender person who has changed from female to male, made from the former clitoris. The neopenis can only become erect by inserting stiff material into it or by having plastic tubes implanted into the groin, so that… … Wiktionary
Phalloplasty — refers to the construction (or reconstruction) of a penis or, sometimes, artificial modification of the penis by surgery, often for cosmetic purposes. It is also occasionally used to refer to penis enlargement. The first phalloplasty done for the … Wikipedia
Metoidioplasty — Metoidioplasty, sometimes referred to as a meto or meta or spelled metaoidioplasty , is an alternative to phalloplasty for trans men.[1] With the effects of testosterone treatment, the clitoris enlarges, over time, to an average of 4–5 cm… … Wikipedia
List of sexology topics — This is a list of topics related to sexology, human sexuality and marriage customs, and related topics such as human sexual anatomy, reproductive biology, andrology, gynaecology, obstetrics and, where relevant, anthropology. Note that this list… … Wikipedia