- Alexander Hill Everett
Alexander Hill Everett (
March 19 ,1792 –June 28 ,1847 ) was a noted American diplomatist, politician, andBoston man of letters. His brother wasEdward Everett .Everett was born in
Boston, Massachusetts to the Rev. Oliver Everett and Lucy (Hill) Everett, and graduated at age 14 fromHarvard College in 1806 with the highest honors of his class. After leaving College he was an assistant teacher inPhillips Exeter Academy for one year, then studied law in the office ofJohn Quincy Adams . In 1809 he accompanied Adams toRussia , where he lived for two years as Adam's personal secretary in thelegation .At the close of the
War of 1812 ,Governor of Massachusetts William Eustis was appointed minister to theNetherlands , and Everett accompanied him as secretary of legation, but after a year of service returned home. On the retirement of Governor Eustis from the legation, however, Everett was appointed his successor, with the rank of chargé d'affaires toThe Hague , which post he held from 1818 till 1824. After Adams became president in 1825, he appointed Everett minister to Spain from 1825–1829.After his service in Spain, he returned to
Boston and obtained a controlling interest in "North American Review " (to which he had been an active contributor while his brother was editor) and shortly afterward succeededJared Sparks as principal editor. The venture was not financially rewarding. Everett's government service was not yet over, though, and he sat in the legislature of Massachusetts from 1830 till 1835. His political fortunes in Massachusetts plummeted when, after serving in the state legislature, Everett switched parties from Whig to Democrat and was blamed for his brother Edward's loss in his bid for reelection as governor in 1839. In 1840 Everett served inCuba as a Special Diplomatic Agent of the United States. While in Cuba he was appointed president ofJefferson College ,Louisiana , but was soon obliged by failing health to return toNew England .On the return of
Caleb Cushing from his mission toChina , Everett was appointed the next commissioner and sailed for Canton on July 4, 1845. He was detained by illness atRio de Janeiro , and returned home. In the summer of 1846 he made a second and more successful attempt to reach his destination, but died in Canton shortly after his arrival, on June 28, 1847. He is buried at the Foreigners' Cemetery,Changzhou Island ,Guangzhou ,China .
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