- 1999 in the European Union
in?=in the European Union
cp=19th Century
c=20th century
cf=21st century
yp3 =1998
dn3=2020sEvents from the year
1999 in theEuropean Union .Events
1 January :Germany takes over thePresidency of the European Union and theeuro is officially launched as a currency inAustria ,Belgium ,Finland ,France ,Germany , Ireland,Italy ,Luxembourg , theNetherlands ,Portugal andSpain .
*14 January : TheEuropean Parliament votes to establish a 'Committee of Independent Experts' to review the issue of fraud in theEuropean Commission (seeSanter Commission ).
*18 January : Jan Karlsson is elected President of theEuropean Court of Auditors .
*15 March : The Committee of Independent Experts produces its report citing fraud and mismanagement in the Commission. Parliament withdraws its support from the executive and theSanter Commission is forced to resign "en mass".
*24 March : TheEuropean Council inBerlin agrees onRomano Prodi as the nextPresident of the European Commission and adopts foreign policy regardingKosovo , theMiddle East andSouth Africa .
* 15-16 April : Third Euro-Mediterranean conference held inStuttgart (Germany), includingLibya .
*23 April : Council adopts foreign policy on banning petroleum and petroleum products toSerbia .
*26 April : Council adopts measures to aid refugees fleeingKosovo .
*5 May : Parliament approves Romano Prodi as Commission President.
* 3-4 June : TheEuropean Council inCologne (Germany) adopts foreign policy positions onRussia and Kosovo.Javier Solana is designated theHigh Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and Secretary-General of theCouncil of the European Union . The European Employment Pact is adopted and the brief for theCharter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union is laid down.
* 10-13 June : 1999 European Parliament elections are held producing a majority for theEuropean People's Party for the first time since elections began.
*18 June :OLAF is established.
*1 July :Finland takes over thePresidency of the European Union .
*20 July :Nicole Fontaine is electedPresident of the European Parliament .
*30 August : Parliament begins hearings of the proposed newEuropean Commissioner s (lasts till7 September )
*15 September : Parliament approves theProdi Commission .
* 15-16 October : TheEuropean Council , held inTampere (Finland), reaches agreement on immigration and justice guidelines. Procedures on drafting the Charter of Fundamental Rights are laid down.
*19 October : First Annual Report on Human Right is published by the Council.
* 10-11 December : TheEuropean Council , meeting inHelsinki (Finland) open accession negotiations withRomania ,Slovakia ,Latvia ,Lithuania ,Bulgaria andMalta and recogniseTurkey as a candidate.
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