Beppe Severgnini

Beppe Severgnini

Giuseppe "Beppe" Severgnini, OBE, (born December 26, 1956) is an Italian journalist, writer and columnist.


Born in Crema, Severgnini graduated in law at the University of Pavia. His career in journalism began when, aged 27, he joined the Milan daily newspaper "Il Giornale", headed by Italian-journalism legend Indro Montanelli, and he quickly became the paper's London correspondent. In the period leading up to the fall of communism, he worked as special correspondent from Russia, China and several Eastern European countries. When Montanelli left "Il Giornale "to found "La Voce", Beppe followed his mentor. Following the failure of Montanelli's ambitious, albeit short-lived, project at La Voce, Severgnini joined the "Corriere della Sera", Italy's biggest newspaper, for which he currently writes. Since 1998, he has written a daily column for the "Corriere" called "Italians". The column has grown into a web forum and is among the most widely read Italian sites on the Internet, often featuring emails from Italian expatriates. Severgnini is also a writer for "La Gazzetta dello Sport". He appears on radio and TV programs, for RAI and the BBC, and he is host of a talk show on Sky Italia. Between 1996 and 2003, he was Italy correspondent for "The Economist".

Severgnini has taught at the University of Parma, the Bocconi University of Milan and the University of Pavia.

His books, published in Italy by Rizzoli, are mainly about his experiences living and working abroad. He has also written three books about Inter Football Club, of which he is a well-known supporter.

External links

* [ Official website of Beppe Severgnini] it icon en icon
* [ "Italians", daily web column of Severgnini for ""] it icon

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