

Kornilov ( _ru. Корни́лов) is a common Russian family name derived from the given name "Kornila" (Cornelius) and may refer to:
* Alexander Kornilov (1801–1856), Russian governor and senator
* Alexander Alexandrovich Kornilov (1862-1925), Russian historian and liberal politician
* Alexander Alekseyevich Kornilov, contemporary Russian historian
* Boris Petrovich Kornilov (1907-1938), Soviet poet
* Ivan Alekseyevich Kornilov (1899-1953), Soviet general
* Ivan Petrovich Kornilov (1811-1901), Russian historian and educator
* Konstantin Nikolaevich Kornilov (1879-1957), Russian psychologist
* Lavr Georgevich Kornilov (1870-1918), Russian general and leader of the White Movement
* Kornilov Affair
* Petr Yevgenevich Kornilov (1896 -?), Russian art historian
* Vladimir Alekseyevich Kornilov (1806-54), Russian admiral, killed during the Battle of Malakoff.
* Vladimir Nikolaevich Kornilov (b. 1928), Russian poet and fiction writer
* Yevgeny Alekseyevich Kornilov (b. 1940), Russian historian and media researcher

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  • KORNILOV (L. G.) — KORNILOV LAVR GUEORGUIEVITCH (1870 1918) Fils d’un paysan pauvre du Semieretchie en Sibérie méridionale, Kornilov est officier de carrière dans l’armée tsariste, breveté d’état major, puis prend part à la guerre de 1904 1905 contre le Japon et… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Kornilov — (Lavr Gheorghievitch) (1870 1918) général russe; adversaire des bolcheviks, il fut tué au combat …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Kornilov —  Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme. Patronymes Kornilov (masculin ; Корнилов) ou Kornilova (féminin ; Корнилова), également Korniloff (transcription désuète), est un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kornilov affair — The Kornilov Affair (Russian: Корниловщина, Kornilovshchina ) was a confused struggle between Commander in Chief of the Russian army, General Lavr Kornilov and Aleksandr Kerensky in August/September, 1917, in between the abdication of Tsar… …   Wikipedia

  • Kornilov, Lavr Georgiyevich — ▪ Russian general born August 30 [August 18, Old Style], 1870, Karkaralinsk, Western Siberia, Russian Empire [now Qargaraly, Kazakhstan] died April 13, 1918, near Ekaterinodar [now Krasnodar], Russia       Imperial Russian general, who was… …   Universalium

  • Kornilov, Lavr (Georgiyevich) — born Aug. 30, 1870, Karkaralinsk, Western Siberia, Russian Empire died April 13, 1918, near Ekaterinodar, Russia Imperial Russian general. A career army officer, he was a divisional commander in World War I. After the Russian Revolution of 1917,… …   Universalium

  • Kornílov, Lavr (Gueórguievich) — (30 ago. 1870, Karkaralinsk, Siberia occidental, Imperio ruso–13 abr. 1918, cerca de Ekaterinodar, Rusia). General ruso imperial. Oficial de ejército de carrera, fue comandante de división en la primera guerra mundial. Después de la Revolución… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Kornilov — biographical name Lavr Georgiyevich 1870 1918 Russian general & counterrevolutionary …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Kornilov — Kornilow ist der Nachname folgender bekannter Personen: Wladimir Alexejewitsch Kornilow (1806 1854), russischer Vizeadmiral Alexander Alexandrowitsch Kornilow (1862 1925), russischer Historiker und Politiker Lawr Georgijewitsch Kornilow (1870… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kornilov — This interesting surname usually has Roman origins, although the modern surname owes more to French influence during the medieval period. It derives from the Latin Cornelius meaning horn , through the later French corneille . The cathedral of St… …   Surnames reference

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