- Weak convergence (Hilbert space)
mathematics , weak convergence is a type ofconvergence of asequence of points in aHilbert space (and, more generally, in aBanach space ).Definition
A sequence of points in a Hilbert space "H", with "n" an
integer , is said to converge weakly to a point "x" in "H" if:
for all "y" in "H". Here, is understood to be the
scalar product on the Hilbert space. The notation:
is sometimes used to denote this kind of convergence.
Weak topology
Weak convergence is in contrast to strong convergence or convergence in the norm, which is defined by
where is the norm of "x".
The notion of weak convergence defines a topology on "H" and this is called the
weak topology on "H". In other words, the weak topology is the topology generated by the bounded functionals on "H". It follows fromSchwarz inequality that the weak topology is weaker than the norm topology. Therefore convergence in norm implies weak convergence while the converse is not true in general. However, if and , then we have as .On the level of operators, a bounded operator "T" is also continuous in the weak topology: If "xn" → "x" weakly, then for all "y"
*Since every closed and bounded set is weakly relatively compact (under the weak topology, its closure is compact), every
bounded sequence in a Hilbert space "H" contains a weakly convergent subsequence. Note that closed and bounded sets are not in general weakly compact in Hilbert spaces (consider the set consisting of an orthonormal basis in an infinitely dimensional Hilbert space which is closed and bounded but not weakly compact since it doesn't contain 0). However, bounded and weakly closed sets are weakly compact so as a consequence every convex bounded closed set is weakly compact.*As a consequence of the principle of uniform boundedness, every weakly convergent sequence is bounded.
*If converges weakly to "x", then
and this inequality is strict whenever the convergence is not strong. For example, infinite orthonormal sequences converge weakly to zero, as demonstrated below.
*If converges weakly to "x" and we have the additional assumption that lim ||"xn"|| = ||"x"||, then "xn" converges to "x" strongly:
Weak convergence of orthonormal sequences
Consider a sequence which was constructed to be orthonormal, that is,
where equals one if "m" = "n" and zero otherwise. We claim that if the sequence is infinite, then it converges weakly to zero. A simple proof is as follows. For "x" ∈ "H", we have
where equality holds when {"e""n"} is a Hilbert space basis. Therefore
Banach-Saks theorem
The Banach-Saks theorem states that every bounded sequence contains a subsequence and a point "x" such that
converges strongly to "x" as "N" goes to infinity.
The definition of weak convergence can be extended to
Banach space s. A sequence of points in a Banach space "B" is said to converge weakly to a point "x" in "B" if:
for any scalar-valued
bounded linear operator defined on , that is, for any in thedual space If is a Hilbert space, then, by theRiesz representation theorem , any such has the form:
for some in , so one obtains the Hilbert space definition of weak convergence.
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