

"Triarii" (Singular: "Triarius") were spearmen in the armies of the early Roman Republic. They were oldest and among the wealthiest men in the legion, and could afford good quality equipment. They wore heavy metal armour and carried large shields, their usual position being the third battle line. They fought in a shallow phalanx formation, supported by light troops. In most battles "triarii" were not used because the lighter troops usually defeated the enemy before the "triarii" were committed to the battle. They were eventually phased out after the Marian reforms of 107 BC.

History and deployment

"Triarii" appear to have evolved from the old first class of the army under the Etruscan kings.]

Camillan era

By the 4th century BC the military the Romans had inherited from the Etruscans was still in use. Though its efficency was doubtful, it proved effective against Rome's largely local adversaries. When Gauls invaded Etruria in 390 BC, the inhabitants requested help from Rome. The small contingent Rome sent to repel the Gallic invaders provoked a full scale attack on Rome. The entire Roman army was destroyed at the Battle of the Allia. This crushing defeat prompted reforms by Marcus Furius Camillus. Under the new system, men were sorted into classes according to wealth, the "triarii" being the richest after the mounted "equites". "Triarii" were armed with spears, or "hastae", about 2 metres ( feet) long. They also carried swords, or "gladii", about 74 centimetres (29 ] The wealth and age requirements were removed. Now anyone could join as a career, rather than as service to the city, and would all be equipped as "miles", with the same, state purchased equipment. Auxiliaries, local irregular troops, would fulfil other roles, serving as archers, skirmishers and cavalry.cite book|last=Smith|first=William|title=A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities|publisher=Little, Brown, and Co.|pages=506|isbn=0893411663|year=1859|url=|accessdate=2008-09-21]


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