- 2008 Danish embassy bombing
Infobox terrorist attack
title=2008 Danish embassy bombing250px|thumb|right
caption=Damage done to the embassy as reported byTV 2 News .
location=Islamabad ,Pakistan
target=Danish Embassy
date=June 2 2008
timezone=UTC +5
type=Suicidecar bomb
fatalities=6 to 8
injuries=24 [cite news |url=http://www.app.com.pk/en_/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=40082&Itemid=1|title= Six killed, 24 injured in blast near Danish Embassy|publisher=Associated Press of Pakistan |accessdate=2008-06-02]
perps=al-QaedaAl Jazeera English : [http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/BBE34D7C-5551-40F6-8EE3-9745A8A8DDC1.htm 'Al-Qaeda' claims embassy blast] - Retrieved on2008-06-05 da icon] The 2008 Danish embassy bombing was an attack on the Danish embassy inIslamabad ,Pakistan onJune 2 2008 . The suspected suicide car bombing in the parking lot of the embassy took place at around 12:10 pm (UTC+5 ), killing at least five and wounding many more. The Danishnational security intelligence agency PET has concluded thatal-Qaeda was behind the attack.Jyllands-Posten : [http://jp.dk/indland/article1358831.ece PET: Al Qaida står bag] - Retrieved on2008-06-07 da icon] Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack on June 5, 2008.Al Jazeera English : [http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/BBE34D7C-5551-40F6-8EE3-9745A8A8DDC1.htm 'Al-Qaeda' claims embassy blast] - Retrieved on2008-06-05 da icon] The attack was confirmed to be an answer to the reprinting of Danish newspaperJyllands-Posten 's Muhammed cartoons in February 2006, as well as the presence of Danish troops inAfghanistan . [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24976215/ Al-Qaida claims it attacked Denmark Embassy] "MSNBC"02 June 2008 Link accessed 02/06/08] [ [http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080605/ap_on_re_as/pakistan_embassy_al_qaida Al-Qaida claims it attacked Denmark's Embassy] fromYahoo News ]Details
The attack
Around 12:10 pm on
June 2 2008 , a stolenToyota Corolla Nyhedsavisen: [http://avisen.dk/bombebil-var-en-stjaalen-toyota-corolla_11481.aspx Bombebil var en stjålen Toyota Corolla] - Retrieved on2008-06-07 da icon] with a man at the wheel arrived at high speed, passing in front of the entrance of the Danish embassy, then stopping at the parking lot in front of the complex. Seconds later a suicide car bomb detonated, killing at least six to ten and wounded several others. [cite web |url=http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5iLyZF8ZkV1gWd8e2SHNLHLy-4z9g|title= Suicide blast at Danish embassy in Pakistan kills eight: state media|publisher= AFP|accessdate=2008-06-02] The events leading up to the explosion and the explosion itself was captured on tape by the embassy's video surveillance cameras, which was gathered by the PET and then handed over to Pakistani authorities as part of their criminal enquiry.Yahoo! News: [http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080605/wl_sthasia_afp/pakistanattacksdenmarkteam_080605104827 Danish team in Pakistan after embassy blast: ministry ] - Retrieved on2008-06-05 ] The car used to bomb the embassy was able to get past heightened security because it had diplomatic registration plates. [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/7430941.stm "Embassy bombed in Pakistan"] "bbc.co.uk"02 June Link accessed 02/06/08 (Video)]The blast left a large crater in front of the building, as well as significant structural damage. A cloud of black
smoke was reported to be visible across the city of Islamabad. A Pakistani Development Organisation building took the brunt of the blast as well as the Danish embassy. Other offices and residential building also were damaged by the car bomb. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/7430941.stm "Embassy bombed in Pakistan"] "bbc.co.uk"02 June Link accessed 02/06/08 (Video)] The residences of the Dutch ambassador and the Australian defense attache, located near the Danish embassy, were damaged in the blast, but none of their staff were reported injured. [http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080602.wpakistan0602/BNStory/International/home "Blast rocks Danish embassy in Pakistan"] "theglobeandmail.com"02 June 2008 Link accessed 02/06.08] The blast also shattered the windowpanes of the near-by "India House", which housesIndia 's ambassador to Pakistan. [cite web |url = http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Blast_shatters_windowpanes_of_India_House/articleshow/3093506.cms |title = Blast shatters windowpanes of India House-Pakistan-World-The Times of India |accessdate = 2008-06-06] There is speculation about the composition of the bomb. Some sources states that 25 kg of explosives were used, while others states that a combination offertiliser s anddiesel fuel , boosted with 5 kg of explosives were used.Jyllands-Posten : [http://jp.dk/udland/asien/article1363163.ece Ekspert: Ambassadebombe var gødning] - Retrieved on2008-06-07 da icon]A reporter from
Al Jazeera , Kamal Hyder, reported seeing a number of bodies on the street outside the embassy. [cite web |url=http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/FBF7CF51-F736-4381-951C-2F04C7F8F604.htm|title= Blast at Danish embassy in Pakistan|publisher=Al Jazeera English |accessdate=2008-06-02]The Danish government received the news of the attack at 9 o'clock in the morning, and the Danish
Minister of Foreign Affairs ,Per Stig Møller immediately condemned the attack on the strongest possible terms, and the Danish cabinet was subsequently called in for an emergency session.Jyllands-Posten : [http://jp.dk/indland/indland_politik/article1357914.ece Per Stig fordømmer attentat] - Retrieved on2008-06-02 da icon] Later in the afternoon the Danish Prime MinisterAnders Fogh Rasmussen followed suit and condemned the attack as well. The Norwegian and Swedish embassies were completely evacuated as a safety precaution, and Danish citizens have been advised against all travel to Pakistan, and if already in the country, to be very careful. [cite web
url=http://www.um.dk/da/menu/borgerservice/foerrejsen/rejsevejledninger/rejsevejledningpakistan.htm|title=Rejsevejledning Pakistan|date=2008-06-02|publisher=Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark |language=Danish|accessdate=2008-06-02]Fatalities
Between six and eight people are believed to be dead and 27 wounded. According to the
chargé d'affaires of the embassy in Islamabad, Michael Hjortsø, none of those killed were Danish employees of the embassy, [cite web |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/7430721.stm |title=Bomb hits Pakistan Danish embassy |publisher=BBC News Online |accessdate=2008-06-02 ] though two victims are reported to be locals employed at the embassy, and the Danish foreign ministry announced that one victim was a Danish citizen of Pakistani origin not working at the embassy. [cite web |url=http://www.dr.dk/Nyheder/Indland/2008/06/02/183720.htm|title=Per Stig: Dansk statsborger blandt de dræbte|publisher=Danmarks Radio |accessdate=2008-06-02] Damage was also reported at the residence of the IndianHigh Commissioner . [cite web |url=http://www.meaindia.nic.in/pressbriefing/2008/06/02pb01.htm|title=Response to the questions regarding the bomb blast in Islamabad|publisher=Ministry of External Affairs (India) |accessdate=2008-06-02]A security guard at a nearby
United Nations Development Programme building was among those killed.UN Press Release: [http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2008/sgsm11608.doc.htm Secretary-General strongly condemns islamabad car bombing] - Retrieved on2008-06-02 ] Six of the wounded were UNDP employees.Jyllands-Posten : [http://jp.dk/udland/article1358836.ece FN fordømmer Islamabad-bombe] - Retrieved on2008-06-02 da icon]Threats
Prior to the explosion, the Danish Embassy had received several threats, the last as late as a month before the attack, Pakistani media reported on tribal people who threatened to travel to the Pakistani capital of Islamabad to blow up the Danish embassy there.
One and a half month before the attack, Al-Qaida's Deputy Operations Chief,
Ayman al-Zawahiri , urged Muslims to strike against Danish targets in an interview published byAs-Sahab .In the interview, published
April 17 ,2008 al-Zawahiri asked why he in 2003 threatened Norway, Denmark and other countries for their support for the United States and the fight against terrorism, saying: "We have threatened Norway and all other countries participating in the war against the Muslims, as part of the defence of our ideology, nation, ourselves and our sacred riter, the al-Zawahiri and continues: "Denmark has done its utmost to demonstrate its hostility to Muslims by repeatedly dishonour the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him salvation. I call on all Muslim, who has the possibility, to the detriment Denmark for the honour to show your support for our Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him salvation, and defend his estimated honour."Jyllands-Posten : [http://jp.dk/udland/article1358823.ece Angreb kommer kort efter al-Qaeda-trussel] - Retrieved on2008-07-02 da icon]Denmark had downgraded the embassy threat in response to perceived security threats, as well as other embassies in the Islamic world.
The Times of India : [http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Blast_outside_Danish_embassy_in_Pak_8_killed/rssarticleshow/3092833.cms Blast outside Danish embassy in Pak, 8 killed] - Retrieved on2008-06-02 ]The perpetrators
The Danish national security intelligence agency
PET concluded that the terrorist organisationAl-Qaida was behind the attack. The possibility of either directAl-Qaida involvement orAl-Qaida inspired groups is high, due to the fact that the terrorist attack against the Danish embassy comes a month and a half after Al-Qaida's Deputy Operations Chief, Ayman al-Zawahiri, urged Muslims to strike against Danish targets in the interview published by As-Sahab onApril 17 ,2008 .According to statements from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "There are signs that as a result of the current events there is a sharpened focus on Denmark also among the leading militant extremists abroad, and that such environments have a desire to carry out terrorist acts against Denmark, as well as against the Danes and Danish interests abroad. This is especially true in areas where
Al-Qaeda -related groups are active".Aftenposten : [http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/uriks/article2459135.ece Karikaturhevn, tror dansk UD] - Retrieved on2008-06-02 no icon]According to sources close to the Danish government and
PET , the main suspects behind the attack were, until the proclamation made byAl-Qaeda , theTaliban .Jyllands-Posten : [http://jp.dk/udland/asien/article1358861.ece Taleban er nu hovedmistænkt] - Retrieved on2008-06-03 da icon] However, the Taliban denied having any role in the attack.Norwegian State TVNRK1 : [http://www1.nrk.no/nett-tv/indeks/133914 "Dagsrevyen" News rapport June 3, 2008] - Retrieved on2008-06-07 da icon] If they had been those responsible for the attack, that would have made the second terrorist attack carried out by Taliban targeting Scandinavians; the first being the attack on Serena Hotel in Kabul onJanuary 14 , where a Norwegian delegation under Minister of Foreign AffairsJonas Gahr Støre , which resided at the time of the attack, was allegedly the target. Nevertheless, this is the second terrorist attack where Scandinavians had been the target.On June 5, an online posting attributed to
Mustafa Abu al-Yazid on a jihadist website claimed thatAl-Qaida planned the attack. [New York Times : [http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/06/world/asia/06pstan.html?ex=1370404800&en=036b0551a6ac7b3f&ei=5124&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink Qaeda Group Says It Bombed Embassy] - Retrieved on2008-06-05 ]International reactions
International organizations
ee also
List of terrorist incidents, 2008
*List of attacks on diplomatic missions
*2008 Kabul Serena Hotel attack - a terrorist attack on the Serena Hotel resided by a Norwegian delegationReferences
External links
* [http://www.ambislamabad.um.dk/en Danish embassy in Islamabad]
Photo galleries
* [http://www1.vg.no/bildespesial/show/spesial.php?id=6204 VG: Photo Gallery: Terrorist Attack in Islamabad]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.