John Wallop

John Wallop

Sir John Wallop (c. 1490 – 13 July 1551) was an English soldier and diplomatist who belonged to an old Hampshire family from the town of Farleigh Wallop.

Adopting the profession of arms, he commanded ships which took part in the war between England and France in 1513 and 1514; later he served the king of Portugal against the Moors, and then he fought for his own sovereign in Ireland and in France.

In 1526 Wallop began his diplomatic career, being sent on an errand to Germany by Henry VIII, and from 1532 to 1541 he passed much of his time in Paris and elsewhere in France as the representative of the English king.

He filled several other public positions, including that of lieutenant of Calais, before January 1541, when he was suddenly arrested on a charge of treason; his offence, however, was not serious and in the same year he was made captain of Guînes. In 1543 he led a small force to help the emperor Charles V in his invasion of France, and he remained at his post at Guînes until his death.



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