Hsu Ta Tung

Hsu Ta Tung

Hsu Ta Tung (1909-1982), was a Chinese business magnate and the father of Rita Fan.


Ningbo & Shanghai

[ [http://zs.zhxww.net/rwzs/rwzs/rwzs_sbgl/20080414145054-6.htm 宁波帮庄市籍人士(部分)——徐大統] ] Hsu was born in Zhenhai County (current Zhenhai District), Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. His father was a teacher at Chongzheng College (崇正書院), and he also graduated from this school.

Hsu went to Shanghai and served as a clerk in a bank. Three years later he shifted into paper industry, and founded his own company named after his own name Ta-Tung (大統紙號). His company developed very fast and later he dramatically enlarged his factiries and altered the name of his company into Tung-Yi (統益紙號). In late 1930s and 40s, He monopolized the paper business of east China and was regarded as the "Magnate of Paper Industry" (紙業大王) during his period. He became the chief director (理事長) of the Shanghai Trade Association (上海同業公會). Hsu also invested broadly in the other fields including the banking and real estates.

His daughter (Rita Fan) was born in Shanghai, and because at that time the American film star Rita Hayworth was very popular in Shanghai, he named his daughter "Rita".

Hong Kong

1949, Hsu moved his whole family to Hong Kong. He once became the largest single shareholder of Dah Sing Bank Limited. The numer plate of his car was also famous in Hong Kong - HK1000. The rest of his life he donated generously to promote the education in the mainland China.


* "Ta-Tung Bridge" (大統橋) in Ningbo
* "Hsu Ta Tung Memorial Building", at St. Stephen's Girls' College, Hong Kong

ee Also

* Rita Fan


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